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Weekly Server Maintenance - December 4, 2019


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  • Aion Team

There will be a scheduled maintenance Wednesday, December 4, 2019 from 6:00 a.m. CST / 13:00 CET. The game servers will be unavailable for approximately 2 hours.


  • Routine website and server maintenance
  • The Demaha Express Event will continue for one more week.
  • Character transfer queues for the prior two weeks will be processed.

Be sure to follow @AionOps for server updates.

Maintenance Images of the Week

 5qomng2027241.png ehqlbz8cwf141.jpg  h9plsatb4h241.jpg

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  • Aion Team
1 minute ago, Sisifo-DN said:

Uhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm and what happen to "Cyan: Retune Buff will be put soon?"

This is coming on the 18th. 

6 minutes ago, Aly-DN said:

GP being reset?

This is scheduled for next week.

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9 minutes ago, CourageJyB-KT said:

There's no reset on Altar NPCs, will be compensation? or will you shutdown the server again?

You mean to purchase etium or genesis crystals? That takes some time. It doesn't happen at the server reset. Not sure how long it takes, but try again to buy things in a few hours.

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46 minutes ago, Aly-DN said:

You mean to purchase etium or genesis crystals? That takes some time. It doesn't happen at the server reset. Not sure how long it takes, but try again to buy things in a few hours.

in game says "reset every wednesday at midnight", also i always buy every wednesday after mantenaince because I NEED IT, and im waiting for it the entire week.

@Cyan can say something?


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21 hours ago, Aly-DN said:

I can't remember if it should be GP this week or next. Since it isn't mentioned, maybe it's next? =S


if you look at the seasonal gp leader board, in the bottom border it has the start and stop dates of the gp season.  I found it by accident or someone was really, really nice in /3.

Community-->Competition Ranking-->Glory points tab

For those keeping track at home.

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