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Bobonerk's coin bundle


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Idk with ya'll guys but for me it's a limiting factor to enjoying this xp event. What do I do with all my xp when I run out of coins and the daily limit is set to 5 bags. Would you consider turning off the limit while we got xp event still @Cyan.. Seriously will help a lot of players like me

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13 hours ago, dadaaa-KT said:

Idk with ya'll guys but for me it's a limiting factor to enjoying this xp event. What do I do with all my xp when I run out of coins and the daily limit is set to 5 bags. Would you consider turning off the limit while we got xp event still @Cyan.. Seriously will help a lot of players like me

I never thought about this problem for new people, I actually have like 370 bags of them, I was buying 5 bug EVERY day since this was implemented so I stuck a ton because without and XP event it is impossible to turn all 100 coins into gems every day.

I am going to be the typical guy and say "at least enjoy the fact you can get 100 gems per day turned". That is 10 legendary morphs per day or 2 ultimate per day. And make sure you buy those bags every day from now on even if you cannot turn them, in a future XP event you will make great use of those.

I've had 12k genesis crystals and now I am left with 700 because I turned all of them into enchants and upgraded them.

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