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Can we get a basic guide


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On 2/1/2020 at 0:25 AM, Hellish-DN said:

Correct, this gear is like similar to old Blood Mark gear during the 4.X era. With stats about 5% worse than the AP T2 Gear.

(Fierce) Aureate (7.2 Blood Mark gear) have base stats that is 2% worse than Ultimate Dark Talon gear. Same tuning stats as Ultimate Dark Talon.

Non-Fierce Aureate have tuning option stats that is 15% worse than Fierce Aureate (or Ultimate Dark Talon).

Tuning Stats

Fierce Aureate / Ultimate Dark Talon staff

MaxHP    1127    1879
MaxMp    768    1281
Hitaccuracy    241    403
Critical    213    356
PhysicalPowerBoost    161    269
Healskillboost    107    179
Attackdelay    11    19
Parry    421    702

Non Fierce Aureate Staff

MaxHP    958    1597
MaxMp    653    1089
Hitaccuracy    205    343
Critical    181    303
PhysicalPowerBoost    137    229
Healskillboost    91    152
Attackdelay    11    19
Parry    358    597

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