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Proper way to warn someone in violation of tos!


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the best way to warn someone in tos violation is to send an in game mail or contact them while they're in the game. sending a warning to their email does not guarantee that the person will know that they have been warned because not everyone go check their emails daily and should not be actioned for assuming that they were aware of the warning and just ignored it. reconsider how you go about things because the current way is dumb. flash their name on the screen when they are being warned so they know right away.sound kinda smart if you ask. and make all gear re-skinnable and stop this stupid can only be used once. geez!  and let people know who reported them so they can completely be done with that person cuz its kinda messed up that a so called friend can report you and still smile and go on runs with you not knowing they were the one who send the report and now your being used to help the very same person or persons that reported you. aion does have fake friends/people like that you know. players tell bad players to get good, but i'm telling ncsoft to get smarter.

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In all seriousness, what did you do that only got you a warning? Pretty sure whatever it was, you had to know at the time it was iffy. And you have no right to know who turned you in. How can you even think that would be appropriate? If I turn you in for offensive language, how would it be fair for you to then harass me for being offended by what you said?

Big boy panties time. Just get over it.

And use capital letters and paragraphs, please. Stream of consciousness is kind of cool in a novel, but annoying as all poop on the forums.

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9 minutes ago, Valkarie-DN said:

@Aly-DNperhaps you get offended too easily by what i say in a public chat channel. now ask yourself why you just cant mind your business with whats being said in lfg chat, or are you getting paid by ncsoft  to send in reports?everyone just mind your gd business and play your game.

But in all honesty you also didn't tell us anything about the case and why you are mad. This all sounds like a general avoidance to mention anything specific. nobody can help you with your plea here, we do not know what happened. If you got to the point you got a problem with reports then it must be a lot of people reporting you. One report is not even enough to even take any notice by the GMs.

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the problem is i was getting harassed by someone who was pretending to be me and saying things about me and nothing was done or being said but as soon as i went off on this person using my colorful words i get an email with the scren shot of what i said but  it may have been sent in by the person i was having words with but aion has so many people who just do not favor me for being me that it could have came from anyone. even the ones who smile and laugh with you daily. thats why its best to let people know who reported you so u can just be done with that fake ass person. now go ahead and tell me that dont make any sense. THE TERMS OF SERVICE IS BIASED AT BEST.

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52 minutes ago, Valkarie-DN said:

@Aly-DNperhaps you get offended too easily by what i say in a public chat channel. now ask yourself why you just cant mind your business with whats being said in lfg chat, or are you getting paid by ncsoft  to send in reports?everyone just mind your gd business and play your game.

Right. So here's the thing. I haven't the first idea who you are. As far as I know I have never once seen or heard from you in game. Never run an instance. Never even seen you name in chat. I don't even know if you are Asmo or Elyos. So I couldn't care less what you say to anyone. You aren't a part of my in game world in any way, shape or form and from your post, I am pretty damn glad of the fact.

If you post on the public forum, however, you are openly inviting anyone who reads here to respond to your teenage angst.

You just admitted that you "went off" on someone with "colorful lanuage". End of story. You deserve whatever punished you got. Apparently it wasn't too severe because here you are on the forums crying big salty tears.

Dry your eyes, little soldier. Put on those big boy panties. Take responsibility for what you did and move on.

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47 minutes ago, Valkarie-DN said:

A) as soon as i went off on this person using my colorful words i get an email with the scren shot of what i said
B) thats why its best to let people know who reported you so

If what you said is against the rules, your concern shouldn't be who reported you, but rather how you should not break the rules of bad language.

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2 minutes ago, Valkarie-DN said:

as i expected, they start you respond and you get in trouble for responding to the one who caused you to respond. as i said, you people.in closing try to understand that if someone @Aly-DNdo not speak to you or go off on you in a public chat just keep your mouth shut and mind your business.topic is closed.

There was a time that someone lured people into heated conversations and then reported them. So yeah if someone speaks badly to you, do not fall into his trap and if he says anything wrong, then report him.

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