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Housing Refunds


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5 minutes ago, Johngunmad-KT said:

What levels were the characters that you got the houses, and what level was the one that got back the 2bill. I have a strong suspicion its level base.

all 65+, they all got money but around 400m each, one got 1bil

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4 hours ago, StarWebIcarii-KT said:

I think I got what I paid for.....and that was when the houses started, long ago, I never sold mine and I paid maintenance for a very long time, but it's okay. I will live happily in a studio from now on, I will only miss the space. :)

Same here, I just sold my Mansion a few months ago before the merge, I got my mansion for 115-120mil back when they first released, I sold it recently for like 900mil, so I made (what i consider to be) bank!
I miss my mansion, So many years held, so many decor changes, much party, such fun. :-( 

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13 hours ago, LilHotii-KT said:

What would level of the character have to do with how much kinah you got back from when we bought our estates or house/mansion? I got robbed on one of my estates also. A friend gave me 1bil to bid and I spent at least 500mil of my own so 1.5bil and only got 435mil. 

Its not about how much, its whether or not you get any refund or nothing. 

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  • Aion Team

We've identified several players that were attempting to abuse the housing bids prior to the server merge which we warned about in our FAQ here.


Q: What will happen to my house, mansion, estate, and/or palace? 
The housing auction and bidding will close on September 27. Housing will be reset for all servers. For players who own a house, mansion, estate, and/or palace, you will receive the Kinah price you paid for your home along with three weeks of the maintenance fees. Please do not abuse this system. We will be monitoring this for inflated Kinah gains, and accounts attempting to exploit the system will face action. Housing auctions will be opened again in October.

These players will find they did not receive their Kinah refund for the housing they purchased. 

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9 minutes ago, Cyan said:

We've identified several players that were attempting to abuse the housing bids prior to the server merge which we warned about in our FAQ here.

These players will find they did not receive their Kinah refund for the housing they purchased. 


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5 hours ago, Cyan said:

We've identified several players that were attempting to abuse the housing bids prior to the server merge which we warned about in our FAQ here.

These players will find they did not receive their Kinah refund for the housing they purchased. 

Thanks for taking action and looking into my message Cyan but here on forums as well as LFG it sounds like, a lot of innocent players got caught in the middle of this on both sides of the spectrum.

Where there are buyers that didn't get proper compensation, while there are sellers who got double compensated.

Like I said to you directly before about correctly identifying suspicious activity, it is my belief that that many many people did not get what they deserved. It's well known fact that support isn't upto scratch and is really lacking of lately.

A lot of players don't even go on forums, especially the old forums where it took 100 log ins to get in, when the server merge information came out. A lot of people didn't know about this but housing went on normally and people continued to buy and sell at the same kind of prices that it was for the past year and now they are being gimped.


To make matters worse there are cases where people have multiple homes for their alts and got properly compensated, while players who only had one home and so chose to be considerate are being punished and being considered these 'abusers' even though they were fair and did not 'hog' homes from other players.

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15 hours ago, Johngunmad-KT said:

A lot of players don't even go on forums, especially the old forums where it took 100 log ins to get in, when the server merge information came out. A lot of people didn't know about this but housing went on normally and people continued to buy and sell at the same kind of prices that it was for the past year and now they are being gimped.


 ^This right here, this is my BIGGEST complaint about this merge. There was no Facebook posts from the Aion team about the merge finally happening, there is nothing on the front Aion webpage about it either. Last I knew ppl said that there was RUMORS about it happening sometime in October, last official post from NCsoft I saw about the merge said "Summer 2017."  If it wasn't for a few private messages from friends that still play plus belonging to a few private none official facebook groups I would of never known the merge happened.  I thought Hime said that NCsoft was going to work on bridging the communication gap between the players and NCsoft? I hate to sound mean, but you guys are doing a less than ideal performance at communicating with the players.  (The whole forum thing is right, I hated attempting to login to the old forums, and then shifting through dozens of posts to find answers was annoying. You guys should also be advertising the new easier to operate forums to help draw ppl back to the game as well)

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22 hours ago, Cyan said:

We've identified several players that were attempting to abuse the housing bids prior to the server merge which we warned about in our FAQ here.

These players will find they did not receive their Kinah refund for the housing they purchased. 

By "abuse" do you mean only logging in to pay your house expenses, this is a game I barely ever played before this happened, only pretty much logged for snowball events, to sell what I have, to buy skins, and pay for my houses..



And as you can see, that was the last time I logged so how exactly did I abuse this system??


I did actually get money, but nothing near to what I paid for


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After the merge I received 1 786 600 000 kinah and 200 guestpetals. It was a proper compensation for my one and only house. Over one year ago I paid 1 700 000 000 for my house. It was expensive, but worth it. I also had wallpaper and floor from Luna Shop and I'm getting it back, because I contacted support. I'm happy ^_^  Thank you very much, Aion Team :D

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