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Euphoric (danaria, Elyos)


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                                                                                               Name legion: Euphoric
                                                                                               Server: Danaria
                                                                                               Race: Elyos

Euphoric returns after a long break. Currently the legion is rebuilding and is looking for new members. The legion was created on the israphel server in 2015 and grew to a level 5 legion. Since the merge Euphoric is now on the new server Danaria. Euphoric was in the first place created to give people a home and to help each other out, be it with quests or with instances like fire temple, beshmundir, rentus or just with any other problem in the game. This is now still the case. The legion strife to give people a place where they are feeling home and where they have a good time. It is a casual legion in the first place and there is no endgame stuff done currently. The aim is to go towards both pve and pvp.  Having fun is the key factor here.
There are no real requirements for joining the legion. All levels are welcome and all classes as well. Whether you are new or a veteran, everyone is welcome, also returning players.
There is also no gear requirement.  Members are asked to respect each other.  Be helpfull and help those who are needing it. Keep it dramafree.
There is a site from the legion and there will be a discord channel.  If you want to join PM me, Viraninde, in the game, reply here or use the menu, community and search legion (search on euphoric) and sent an application.
I hope to see you around.

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