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ncsoft please do something about armor pieces that says its a plate or what ever piece followied by templar glad but aethertech only with magic crit cuz in the heat of the monemt especially when ppl just start the loot process without linking the piece so everyone can get a clear view of it so they dont end up rushing to roll so they dont miss out on a possible piece thats for their class or rolling on someones item during that heated moment...you must understand that some players dont clearly see the stats of it being magic or physical and to be honest its too many things to check for b4 rolling ty. and while at it can you guys please change the animation of arrow deluge to the old spread shot cuz that skill was perfect as is.

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They could stop making trans-classes with weird item-stat combo, like a magic plate or a physical cloth.

But yeah, they could make it so a mystic plate doesn't say Templar or Gladiator etc, so at least it can spare the confusion of the moment.

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