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Weekly Server Maintenance - October 25, 2017


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1 hour ago, FcckQqQ-KT said:


As long as you don't have an Elyos on Danaria, sure.


8 hours ago, 1s34EC3F-KT said:

Hello I heard someone mention that housing auction will come back. How can this be when no one is getting properly refunded for what they put in. Can you make an actual sticky to address this and how we should handle it with Aion support?

Most people were properly compensated. It looks like some people were caught in the net put out to catch those trying to cheat the system. Those people have successfully argued their case with Support and are good now. Others haven't been so lucky. If you bought/sold your property after the merge was announced for an inflated price, you will have a very tough time convincing anyone that you weren't trying to double dip.

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Can't wait to see how many Dn Elyos transfer to Katalam to get away from certain top ranks.  Wonder if this will be like Vaizel was asmo wise after the last batch of free transfers lol.  Good thing seiging is basically useless now and faction balance won't be as important.  Go Go Pve seige

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29 minutes ago, Tyd-KT said:

Can't wait to see how many Dn Elyos transfer to Katalam to get away from certain top ranks.  Wonder if this will be like Vaizel was asmo wise after the last batch of free transfers lol.  Good thing seiging is basically useless now and faction balance won't be as important.  Go Go Pve seige

I saw a lot of people in DN-E LFG last night talking about transferring to KT.

Not because of the leadership, but because they can't handle losing in sieges, let alone losing with some really toxic people. ._.

(not that KT-E is consistently winning sieges either??)

People, man!

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55 minutes ago, Tyd-KT said:

Can't wait to see how many Dn Elyos transfer to Katalam to get away from certain top ranks.  Wonder if this will be like Vaizel was asmo wise after the last batch of free transfers lol.  Good thing seiging is basically useless now and faction balance won't be as important.  Go Go Pve seige

Bad memories, Tyd! Bad memories.

Kaisinel was bad. New Viazel was worse. I think I actually have Aion PTSD from being part of that server. So much so that when I started playing an Asmodian cleric, I was actually afraid of my own casting noises.

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yeh tbh right now Asmos are winning any seige they goto.  I go to very few because they just not that exciting anymore.  So leaving Dn to goto KT isn't gonna help them much atm but things can change and well as we said seiges are useless now.  I goto them for fun and killing dragons over and over gets boring.  I agreed with the free transfers before merge but doing them after they are asking for a server to get really inbalanced numbers wise just like happened with Vaizel.  Shouldn't be leaving to the players to fix faction conflicts should be done on back end and have support work with players with issues directly.  Katalam is fairly balanced numbers wise Elyos used to get more for seiges asmos just were able to outpvp them for most part who knows I just see these free transfers into a crap storm like happened before the grass is always greener tidal wave 

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Things are fairly balanced numberwise on DN as well. When one side or the other is getting smoked, suddenly their numbers plummet so you can't go just by size of the Coalition. 100 ore more people will just logout if it looks like their side is going to lose.

Allowing any of these "just because I want to" transfers for free is silly and will only bring imbalance. We have seen it before. The free transfers at this point should only be for conflicts.

That being said, a lot of the drama on DN E was cleared up by Cyan's post about what is and isn't allowed at sieges. The moment "those two" saw that NCWest was not going to allow them to keep behaving like potatoes, they backed way way off. The faction is not the wreck it was.

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25 minutes ago, Aly-DN said:

Things are fairly balanced numberwise on DN as well. When one side or the other is getting smoked, suddenly their numbers plummet so you can't go just by size of the Coalition. 100 ore more people will just logout if it looks like their side is going to lose.

Allowing any of these "just because I want to" transfers for free is silly and will only bring imbalance. We have seen it before. The free transfers at this point should only be for conflicts.

That being said, a lot of the drama on DN E was cleared up by Cyan's post about what is and isn't allowed at sieges. The moment "those two" saw that NCWest was not going to allow them to keep behaving like potatoes, they backed way way off. The faction is not the wreck it was.

Well good the faction not a mess anymore.  KT has more Elyos then Asmos though the number isn't unbareably far off.  Think coalition wise when someone compared Elyos had about 80 ish more to 100 and both sides have afk's so as I said they not to far off in numbers.  That said though if 50 to 100 more actives transfered in would make it more difficult.  Asmos from Sl on KT are used to being outnumbered so as long as the number is decent they have a chance.  Just pretty sure seen this movie before with Vaizel and they can say all they want they actively watching the transfers but you know what they said same thing back then to and we know how that turned out.

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12 hours ago, Aly-DN said:

As long as you don't have an Elyos on Danaria, sure.


Most people were properly compensated. It looks like some people were caught in the net put out to catch those trying to cheat the system. Those people have successfully argued their case with Support and are good now. Others haven't been so lucky. If you bought/sold your property after the merge was announced for an inflated price, you will have a very tough time convincing anyone that you weren't trying to double dip.

So you saying everyone who bought a property after the merge date was announced on the old aion forums is automatically guilty, yeah that makes real sense. Its pretty much like saying everyone who ran Fallen Poeta used cheats, when there are actual legit groups that go in as a full team.

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The whole idea of winning an auction is you outbid other players, so of course the price will go up. But the thing is people are bein punished for doing the same thing as other people did prior to the announcement with no idea that the system could be exploited.

I don't why you are defending NCsoft but it sounds like they're taking the easy option and punishing ALL players that bought properties after the announcement, as oppose to looking at each player case by case and making good use of player information such as reports to determine legit and exploiters.

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Inflated means more than the normal. If you bought a house for 20 billion after the merge was announced and a similar house  would have been purchased for 500 million before the the merge, then you are going to look guilty. 

I am not defending anything. Just calling like I see it.

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On ‎27‎/‎10‎/‎2017 at 0:59 PM, Aly-DN said:

Inflated means more than the normal. If you bought a house for 20 billion after the merge was announced and a similar house  would have been purchased for 500 million before the the merge, then you are going to look guilty. 

I am not defending anything. Just calling like I see it.

I saw that happening and reported it and I knew it was suspicious on Siel Asmo. Had 2 estates being sold at 20bill with 1 bid, and when they were bought, those homes were left empty. Saw another 2 with 5bill on mansions and the seller of those mansions swapped with each other. I did the right thing and reported it as suspicious to NCsoft.

The problem though these cases were very few while the rest I saw were legit. I checked each home to work out if they were doing it for roleplaying or suspicious activity and almost all were doing it for normal roleplaying.

What NCsoft support has done is they gave the cold shoulder to ALL players and calling them ALL exploiters. I know a legion mate who payed a bit more for the estate about 50 mill more in like the last 2 weeks of housing, and NCsoft has decided to call her an exploiter and refuse to give the money back.

I am very critical of what NCsoft has done, as someone mentioned early NCsoft had done the most retarded thing and punished everyone. They should be dealing with this issue like police would, and look at every home and reaching out to every player. Instead these players reach out to NCsoft support and they ignore them and do not take into consideration what they say when they are good players.

By not giving back compensation that kinah they invested has disappeared along with other housing investments, so when housing comes they will not have the money to buy them again and this is on top of the fact that housing would be more competitive. Less total homes because there are less servers but the same amount of players, so basic economics here a gross disparity between supply and demand here. People are or have already quit because of this, and if NCsoft doesn't do the right thing the community is gonna suffer.


Thousands of players play this game, and they are being screwed by what at max 40 exploiters? Just ain't Australian this sort of behavior coming from NCsoft.

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