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Weekly Server Maintenance - May 5, 2021


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  • Aion Team

Hi everyone,

Another routine Maintenance will take place tomorrow at 6am Server Time (4am PT / 7am ET / 12pm UTC). We expect that downtime should last approximately 2 hours 15 minutes. We intend to implement the following minor changes:

  • Adjusted the season end in preparation for the next update.
  • Updated the End User License Agreement.

Thank you!

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16 minutes ago, Kibbelz said:


  • Adjusted the season end in preparation for the next update. <-- We may want to omit this since it will obviously end on 5/12 before maintenance for all seasons.

Oh my good !

Ty !

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5 hours ago, Shezard-DN said:

 Hi, are we still be able to use programs such  a reducethelag or wtfast.

ROFL hope so, if not the game is unplayable for me on the West coast now. Ping of 220+ and it is super unstable without Exitlag. I teleport everywhere.

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7 hours ago, Kibbelz said:

Adjusted the season end in preparation for the next update.

the next update does that mean you finally first fix all the wrongs 

Pinbug =more then a year now and getting worse last weeks

eatherforging =same a year and counting 

pets/minions disappearing from quick bars= it's been so long i hardly remember a time it wasn't so 

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21 hours ago, Shezard-DN said:

 Hi, are we still be able to use programs such  a reducethelag or wtfast.

I think these aren't in NCsoft's realm? As far as I know they just adjust the route taken to reach their servers which has nothing to do with Aion. I think most run you through their network (to Aion servers) which is much more reliable than the public internet.

Does NC Ping work for anyone? Just wondering, but I think that is the registry change for how TCP functions on your PC?

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I think many/most work like so? I'm sure we would be informed as I believe most of the community uses, especially as our community is with people from all over the world (one of the best things about Aion now). I'm not sure about all programs, but the ones you mentioned are legitimate companies that offer the service for the majority of games (there are probably malicious or illegal apps, but if you ask around you can find the best ones to use).

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5 hours ago, Zappies-DN said:


I think many/most work like so? I'm sure we would be informed as I believe most of the community uses, especially as our community is with people from all over the world (one of the best things about Aion now). I'm not sure about all programs, but the ones you mentioned are legitimate companies that offer the service for the majority of games (there are probably malicious or illegal apps, but if you ask around you can find the best ones to use).

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