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Subscription + Daeva Pass + P2W = Aion Classic ! Really NcSoft ?!?


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2 hours ago, Guest yyy said:

its not u are just sad kido, go do gathering. gathering today for 6 hours -> got 20mil kinah. whats the problem?

Aaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahhahah! You got 20 mil kinah. If that's true, which is not, but if that's true, imagine the prices inflated, LOL!

1 hour ago, Suniko said:

You cry and cry and cry when others play the game.

Lv 22 and already almost 1 mln kinah... daaaamn must be hax or p2w....
Learn to play dude or go and be pathetic somewhere else. 


So you played till lvl 22 and got 800k Kinah. 

Whales are lvl 1 with 3 mil Kinah. 1 Mil sold to the shop and other 2 selling the candies to other players. They can do so daily....on alts too.

Learn to know facts, "dude". 

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93 posts of drama. On first post you wrote "/uninstall". Just do it and it will be over for you jesus. No more P2W. 

Who cares about whales. If they will want they will buy kinah from goldsellers. 
You are raging cause you are too poor and can't afford the same as they can or what? 

I don't really understand your point. 

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Guest Gamegenie

It is kind of laughable.

I’m wondering what their rationale is for enabling the RMT on top of the pass.

Maybe they feel users would be safer buying directly from NC instead of 3rd party sellers?   Idk

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Guest Diamondez

i feel really sorry for you. I mean seriously you must be hurting. Obviously you are very disappointed with how everything has gone. I dont get why but i'm not going to get involved in your endless discussions. 

You are crying on the forums since day one, posting every hour about how much everything sucks. So please for the love of god, do everyone (especially yourself) a big favor and leave already. We're all independent people, everyone can decide for himself. I can speak for the remaining 95% who are still loving the game when i say: we are having tons of fun and enjoying the game like we never did. 

thank you and best wishes 💖

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1 minute ago, Guest Diamondez said:

i feel really sorry for you. I mean seriously you must be hurting. Obviously you are very disappointed with how everything has gone. I dont get why but i'm not going to get involved in your endless discussions. 

You are crying on the forums since day one, posting every hour about how much everything sucks. So please for the love of god, do everyone (especially yourself) a big favor and leave already. We're all independent people, everyone can decide for himself. I can speak for the remaining 95% who are still loving the game when i say: we are having tons of fun and enjoying the game like we never did. 

thank you and best wishes 💖

^ 100% agree

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Guest littlekidsdefendingNC

Theres no kinah cap limit if you sell those Candies through the auction house or set a private shop and advertise in /3  LFG.

You can currently make unlimited kinah if you wish for :

$11 for 3mil.

$110 for 30mil.

$1110 for 300mil. 

All on week one of launch.

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2 hours ago, Guest Diamondez said:

i feel really sorry for you. I mean seriously you must be hurting. Obviously you are very disappointed with how everything has gone. I dont get why but i'm not going to get involved in your endless discussions. 

You are crying on the forums since day one, posting every hour about how much everything sucks. So please for the love of god, do everyone (especially yourself) a big favor and leave already. We're all independent people, everyone can decide for himself. I can speak for the remaining 95% who are still loving the game when i say: we are having tons of fun and enjoying the game like we never did. 

thank you and best wishes 💖

Very disappointed? No, just disgusted that NcSoft has ruined one of my fav game. 

And no, i don't post every hour. I post every time a "whiteknight" like you comes and defend the P2W. 

I'm very happy that you enjoy the game. I really do. Now, move on and go play the game. I respect that you enjoy the game, now respect my thoughts regarding the state of the game.

Thanks and happy Aion Candy... I mean Happy Aion Classic gaming.


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Guest Remove the daeva pass

I used to blame everything on gameforge, but ncsoft is just the same.


Remove the daeva pass.

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7 hours ago, Guest Remove the daeva pass said:

I used to blame everything on gameforge, but ncsoft is just the same.


Remove the daeva pass.

People really have an insane misunderstanding of Publishers. Publishers are getting paid by developers to publish their game in a certain region. They are responsible for Marketing, Support, Community Management etc. but never really have anything to say when it comes to the monetization of the game. Just check SOLO. No Pay2Win because the devs said so. Gameforge has nothing to say in this regard. 

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Guest DevilsLawyer

If a company is willing to add the ability to purchase ingame currency with real life money, what would stop said company from adding other things further down the road.

Today its kinah, tomorrow it could be maxed out gear.

And to people saying that those who are unhappy should just quit arnt realising that: 

1: people who stick around to complain are usually the ones that cares about the game and wants it to become a huge succes where those who dont care has or will leave and you would never know other then player number statistics going down.

2: If everyone who were unhappy did quit then server population would drop and the game would become less fun and less desirable for those who remain cause noone wants to play on a empty server regardess wether your a regular player or a whale.

To say that making ingame currency out of thin air wont affect the game dont seem to realise that many things in the game is obtained thru the usage of kinah wether its buying up mats or spending it on crafting etc.

And when people say "ill just play for 6 hours and get the same amount" dont realise that those who buy candy can also play for 6 hours + sell their candy via broker or player trade and then end up with more kinah in the end.

Id say this, if selling candy for kinah will affect the game then it should be removed.

If selling candy for kinah wont affect the game is there a reason for it to exist at all?

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Guest Nahilu

level 34 cleric here

no deava pass

No subcrition

3 million kinah so far ,

i plan to pay only my SUB , and never buy nothing from the shop , I dont support Cash Shop EVER , they are toxic like gold sellers.

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Guest Derky

At least with all the kinah in the economy everything that you drop just gets more expensive. The candies aren't that bad. The items I would worry about more would be cash shop locked wings or titles that affect pvp. Ready to see if they will pop up sometime.

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Guest Sioda
5 hours ago, Guest Derky said:

At least with all the kinah in the economy everything that you drop just gets more expensive. The candies aren't that bad. The items I would worry about more would be cash shop locked wings or titles that affect pvp. Ready to see if they will pop up sometime.

There's already a pair of wings in the cash shop.

The 30 USD battlepass includes a bunch of PVP relevant items, including a title.  

Don't have to be "ready to see", the P2W started on day zero.

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All these puppets defending p2w cash shop are insane... Classic p2w is far worse than Retail currently. Contrary to popular belief everything in retail Aion can be obtained 100% free with grinding and TIME.

Yes there are whales in retail but guess what? Most of those whales migrated here and there is at least 1 known player with a billion kinah already. Don't believe me? prove me wrong because it is fact, sorry. Classic has already been corrupted by the p2w mentality and it is only a downwards roads from here.

"It's not that bad" or "You can compete with the whales for free" ... yeah right. Just wait till the the p2w people hit 50 faster than you because of their boosts and then they have a head start on gearing because they have infinite access to kinah. What happens when whale legions are able to control forts? What do you do when whales are able to complete Fenris faster than everyone else because they have the kinah to buy all the insanely expensive fenris materials instantly?


Don't worry. When p2w whales are running around at 50 destroying everyone in pvp and preventing free players from ranking up and slowing their gear progression from the already outrageous economy (blue items in the millions and low level gold items for 5 mil kinah? wtf really? That's a balanced economy?) people will see what NCwest has done here and their true target demographics for this game. They only released Classic because they saw an opportunity to squeeze money out of endless wallets.

@Kibbelz Open up a 3rd server with NO p2w Daeva pass and NO Quna shop with anything but COSMETICS ONLY. This is the only way you will retain players long-term.


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I stopped playing my main because I couldn't afford to buy MP potions (so I won't have to rest every 2 mobs), instead I made another level 10 in another account to be able to buy candies for 80k from private shops, and sell them for 100k making 20k per candy for a total of 200k per account. Then I thought, I should make a 3rd account for this reason and then I realized I am back to making multiple accounts only to be able to play my main which is still not even level 20 which is why I stopped liking aion int he first place.

That is where I kinda soft stopped. I regret paying that 20$ pre-sub, not because it is a lot of money but because I got fooled and paid for something I had no clue what I was buying.

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Guest cheshirefox

sigh..  i honestly don't know who is derailing this game, nc treating players as r&d cash cows, the private server owners who want the actual game launch to fail, the 'whales' or simply just the toxic {and i mean toxic a f} 'community' from aion live... 

y'know there are hundreds if not thousands of NormaL people who loved aion who would have payed ten bucks a month for a sub.. a Sub {not a sub a founders pack a daeva pass and whatever the hell else? pay 5 subs} just to be in poeta with 10k kinah at the end of the week, because games are about a fair starting experience, chatting and teaming up against Game Content... it's not about minions, candies, pay2{harponotherplayers/devs} or whatever it is you all do for a living.. no Normal people played aion anymore, no one on twitch because one of the best mmo in history devolved into pure company quarter report and toxic 'community' .. but i guess i'm just a naive filthy casual to think people justvwanted their fav game back, that a cash and kinah grab from a past game wasn't as important as having an Actual Gaming experience out there because some peoples livelihood is destroying something really cool.. 

r. i. p. aion  

asphelumbra,  faith n' arms

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Guest Kispilka

Hi there!

Let me explain my thoughts about the problem.

One payment method is just fine for most of the people. The 3 way paying is just too much for us.


1. 15$ NcSoft do subscription. It's just for playing. (Do not lie yourself and others) With the current restrictions playing free is just not an option.

2. 30$ Daeva Pass is a huge advantage and its expensive. It dosent necessary for being succes but almost. Without it you will chase endless those who got it and you never will be as strong as they are.

3. Shop. If you still have money after you spent 45$ on Aion monthly, you can buy kinah for 4$ daily about. (10 candies a day)


If we pay for something we want to get something and the problem lies here. In the current system we pay 15$/ monthly for playing with handicap.

Who want to play with handicap? Noone. Thats why lot of people left and i will do the same after my Siel expire. I can't pay 45$ monthly just for Aion, im poor, sad me. 



First off all NcSoft have to pick the right prices. How much people they want keep in time and how much they want to pay about.

Expensive things = Less people, Cheaper = More pople, its simply. Aion at the momment is a "luxury" MMO. Why not? I can accept this. Its not reachable for me then, just like a Ferrari or Lamborghini in cars. The question is, will there be enough players on servers? NcSoft !!!MUST!!! keep the server playerbase over 1000-1500 people (20+ characters count). Under this number noone will enjoy the game even those who can pay a lot and the game will die, none will pay, FAIL.


What would be good for me (poor guy).

1. Subscription = 5$

2. Daeva Pass = 10$ (Nerf daeva pass!!! Its just like a nuke would be in first WW) There is difference between getting kinah directly and getting hardly obtainable items directly from the shop) The difference is playtime. Someone's playtime. Example, getting 10kk kinah from shop and buy someone's high level enhantstone is mean i put money in and someone put playtime in the game. Getting the enchantstone directly form the shop mean i put money in the game and thats all. If Ncsoft put too much items in the game just like now the difference between players raising(rich and poor). At some point it will reach the treshold what poor people can't accept anymore, just like it happened now.

3. Shop. Keep it as now but raise the candy price. What is the bottom price is for goldsellers what still worth to sell kinah? Go under it. We have to accept while you cant remove goldsellers its just an option to buy kinah directly from NcSoft and not from the sellers.

Other option. Remove daeva pass and let us play even for 15$ monthly.


Sorry for my poor english! Be kind please :)


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2 hours ago, Guest Kispilka said:

1. 15$ NcSoft do subscription. It's just for playing. (Do not lie yourself and others) With the current restrictions playing free is just not an option.

2. 30$ Daeva Pass is a huge advantage and its expensive. It dosent necessary for being succes but almost. Without it you will chase endless those who got it and you never will be as strong as they are.

3. Shop. If you still have money after you spent 45$ on Aion monthly, you can buy kinah for 4$ daily about. (10 candies a day)


If we pay for something we want to get something and the problem lies here. In the current system we pay 15$/ monthly for playing with handicap.

Who want to play with handicap? Noone. Thats why lot of people left and i will do the same after my Siel expire. I can't pay 45$ monthly just for Aion, im poor, sad me. 


1. Subscription = 5$

2. Daeva Pass = 10$ (Nerf daeva pass!!! Its just like a nuke would be in first WW) There is difference between getting kinah directly and getting hardly obtainable items directly from the shop) The difference is playtime. Someone's playtime. Example, getting 10kk kinah from shop and buy someone's high level enhantstone is mean i put money in and someone put playtime in the game. Getting the enchantstone directly form the shop mean i put money in the game and thats all. If Ncsoft put too much items in the game just like now the difference between players raising(rich and poor). At some point it will reach the treshold what poor people can't accept anymore, just like it happened now.

3. Shop. Keep it as now but raise the candy price. What is the bottom price is for goldsellers what still worth to sell kinah? Go under it. We have to accept while you cant remove goldsellers its just an option to buy kinah directly from NcSoft and not from the sellers.

Other option. Remove daeva pass and let us play even for 15$ monthly.


Sorry for my poor english! Be kind please :)


My thoughts: 


"1. 15$ NcSoft do subscription" - Totally fine. Most MMO charge this amount those days and they are doing pretty good. If NCsoft lower monthly sub expect higher lvl of p2w in cashshop. Servers aren't for free.

"2. 30$ Daeva Pass is a huge advantage and its expensive" - imo it's not huge advantage and it's even not worth to be considered for overall gameplay. Today we went duo pvp on lv 30 zone and had a lot of fun, killed many higher lvl players from opposing faction. I don't even consider getting Daeva Pass premium as I can make by kinah by normal ways. 

  There is difference between getting kinah directly and getting hardly obtainable items directly from the shop) The difference is playtime. - Yup, that's how booster and premium works. If you don't want to spend extra cash your progress is slower (depends highly of your game knowledge). Still imo its not game breaking at all. For 15$/month you can do all stuff and full game is open for you. Daeva Pass is just an additional boost if you wanna rush lv 50 and be in TOP 100. 

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35 minutes ago, Suniko said:

My thoughts: 


"1. 15$ NcSoft do subscription" - Totally fine. Most MMO charge this amount those days and they are doing pretty good. If NCsoft lower monthly sub expect higher lvl of p2w in cashshop. Servers aren't for free.

"2. 30$ Daeva Pass is a huge advantage and its expensive" - imo it's not huge advantage and it's even not worth to be considered for overall gameplay. Today we went duo pvp on lv 30 zone and had a lot of fun, killed many higher lvl players from opposing faction. I don't even consider getting Daeva Pass premium as I can make by kinah by normal ways. 

  There is difference between getting kinah directly and getting hardly obtainable items directly from the shop) The difference is playtime. - Yup, that's how booster and premium works. If you don't want to spend extra cash your progress is slower (depends highly of your game knowledge). Still imo its not game breaking at all. For 15$/month you can do all stuff and full game is open for you. Daeva Pass is just an additional boost if you wanna rush lv 50 and be in TOP 100. 

And this is why you will keep getting fleeced, until theres nothing left on your back. Not just gaming wise. Don't you understand that its not about the money, its the lack of reasoning for it, other than "Because we can". And until there are people like you that accept it for normal it is going to get worse. Because greed knows no bounds, it doesn't stop, until it devours everything.

Do you get a full game anymore for a full price, or the price is now just the entry, before you have to start spending even more, and the game gets cut into pieces that they keep on selling you after?

Do you own your games/products or are you just renting them? Everything is a service now that you have to pay monthly for, even if theres no logical need for it.

Do you get a complete bugfree product now or are you paying full price to be a beta tester of a game, that may or may not get fixed in the future?

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Guest Strifer
38 minutes ago, Suniko said:

My thoughts: 


"1. 15$ NcSoft do subscription" - Totally fine. Most MMO charge this amount those days and they are doing pretty good. If NCsoft lower monthly sub expect higher lvl of p2w in cashshop. Servers aren't for free.

"2. 30$ Daeva Pass is a huge advantage and its expensive" - imo it's not huge advantage and it's even not worth to be considered for overall gameplay. Today we went duo pvp on lv 30 zone and had a lot of fun, killed many higher lvl players from opposing faction. I don't even consider getting Daeva Pass premium as I can make by kinah by normal ways. 

  There is difference between getting kinah directly and getting hardly obtainable items directly from the shop) The difference is playtime. - Yup, that's how booster and premium works. If you don't want to spend extra cash your progress is slower (depends highly of your game knowledge). Still imo its not game breaking at all. For 15$/month you can do all stuff and full game is open for you. Daeva Pass is just an additional boost if you wanna rush lv 50 and be in TOP 100. 

I agree with this, the subscription is just expected nowadays and the Daeva Pass is just.. crap it isn't worth $30 at all but if people want that little advantage and are willing to pay for it then fair game for supporting the game. I personally don't expect a lot of people to buy it which will probably mean it will get buffed at some point with better rewards.

Although i feel for those who would like try out classic before committing but not having the Siel aura will simply not be playable, would like to see restrictions lowered slightly because i do think it will have a impact on the usercount in game.

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