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Order of the Guillotine Cross [Israphel/Asmodian][PvE/PvP][Lv15+]

Guest Jeskal

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Guest Jeskal

Order of the Guillotine Cross is a laid back PvPvE focused group of adults who are looking for more members who are planning on regular activity in game and are looking for chill people to spend their time with.

We are looking for active players in the North American time zones, preferably in the Level 20 range (though not a deal breaker if you are not). We are currently a tiny group of 4 dedicated players and a few others feeling the game out but are looking to expand for more group content and group PvP.

Those interested should be active subscription members over the age of 18 and able to regularly play every day or two (with exceptions for vacations and work obviously).

If you would like more information You can  respond here, PM me, or you can whisper Jeskal, Tandri, Magincina, or Gelatin in game.

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