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AFK = what kills Aion


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I think you are talking about being AFK inside an instance with many players involved. Cause being afk in solo mode or in a middle of a city can not be a crime and is only a problem if the server has so many players and they can not log in cause is full of people (but that situacion has many years without happen).

Remember that most of the PvP instances gives rewards just for entering. That happens since we had only the dredgions and arenas. A lot of players do not want to play those instances but they prefer to have at least the basic rewards just for being afk. So being active or just afking should be an option for all the players.

But back on the old days we used to create the groups before going inside. If we joined an active team and somebody satyed afk, that players was blocked and his legion had diplomatic issues. But we also made "AFK" groups just to go there and do not have to worry about complains. And about random team and quick team options? well, we all knew that chosing those you had no right to complain about nothing.

So IMHO, we should come back to those habits. If we do not want afk people, we must create and fill an active group or join one. If we want to afk, we should create or join and afk team. And if we go on random teams, we can not complain about what people do there. But if we go in a "NO AFK" team and somebody stays afk, we can block him, talk with his legion BG and prevent to have that player again with us.

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I insist, how about afk = no rewards? how come people are not pissed off with afkers? I might be so against them because I am a dedicated soloer and I do not do premade things so I have eaten them up in my face practically on a daily basis and I no longer do most things because of that.

As I said I'd rather get 0 rewards even if I am not afk but my team lost than to know that I'll enter in any instance with other people and we will lose because they are afk and I'll get dragged with them.

I have no problem with afk-dedicated groups. I do have a thing with random entry & afk because some people simply enter in random entry out of lack of friends or a legion. No, don't tell me to get friends or a legion, the problem is that people can enter, do nothing and get rewards, this is the real problem.

...people keep saying "what if our group is not afk but we are dominated, what if this what if that"... nobody ever though "WHAT IF AFKERS KILLED THIS GAME and nobody is entering those things because of that"?

Look at this chat, happened like 2 hours before my post.


...people are way too consumed as to "what does afk mean and what does contribution mean"... meanwhile this game is already ruined because of these things. Evergale canyon is no longer done by most player that don't have enough people to make their own alliance for it, unless you are in one of the few highly active legions.

Yes it is THAT bad, we can't form a premade alliance and we are in the most active server in Aion NA.

(I personally never EVER go to sieges anymore, I am not trying to rank up anymore so why waste my time with a trully afk group that will take GP because I was dpsing for almost 1 hour alone in a group that  I never asked to be in?)

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well. i never had big issues about afkers cause I usually went to instances with friends, I made the groups to the instances I wanted to do, I invited the people that I wanted to take with me... and I only saw afkers in the places where I did not care about that or where I was afk too.

I tried evergale only once just to see how it was. I saw 2 groups in progress for that, but I went in random team cause I was using an ungeared alt and I wanted to respect the people trying to win. Of course I found a lot of afkers but was ok, I saw how was the instance.

I´m not sure why nobody goes there. Maybe the rewards are so small or not usefull. Nowadays the few remaining players try to use their time on the instances and quest that gives something. But still you can try to create your own alliance and start with that. Having many friends can be usefull for that. Friends usually accept to do instances even if they give nothing ( I made a lot of friends to waste their time in useless instances just for fun :P )

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2 hours ago, Arxaggelos-SL said:

I insist, how about afk = no rewards?

The game cannot determine players' intention. The only way to reliably tell, whether someone was AFK or not, is unbiased human factor - you would need a GM (or a really, really advanced AI) to watch every player during the time of <whatever instance> and in the end confirm, whether they participated or not.

Without the human factor deciding that, no matter what rules you put in, you end up with either "people not getting rewards for doing something, because although what they did was needed, it didn't count" or "people bypassing the criteria and getting rewards even when they didn't do anything".

So I'm for having the simplest set of participation rules possible and having group instances, that are possible to somehow enjoy even without full group. (and with lot of jumping over obstacles to reduce auto-follow)

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19 hours ago, Zkaza-SL said:

The game cannot determine players' intention. The only way to reliably tell, whether someone was AFK or not, is unbiased human factor - you would need a GM (or a really, really advanced AI) to watch every player during the time of <whatever instance> and in the end confirm, whether they participated or not.

Without the human factor deciding that, no matter what rules you put in, you end up with either "people not getting rewards for doing something, because although what they did was needed, it didn't count" or "people bypassing the criteria and getting rewards even when they didn't do anything".

So I'm for having the simplest set of participation rules possible and having group instances, that are possible to somehow enjoy even without full group. (and with lot of jumping over obstacles to reduce auto-follow)

That is true. Remember on the sieges was so bad to be a healer. The clerics usually complained cause the criteria was just the dps or kills.

maybe one option can be to have intermediate rewards. Some of those instances just have a reward for winners and another for losers no matter if they played or just stayed afk. But if they add items to interact in the map and points you can earn maybe the reward can be better even if you lost but at least you moved and did something.

If you can remember the old dredgions. Sometimes we made an AFK group, but once inside we tried to destroy some surkanas to get more AP. And even sometimes we saw that our enemies were in similar situation and we tried the captain too.

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I haven't have an issue with afk players either tbh. Mostly going with my friends, legion  and certain other people. Surely the new siege system screwed up a few things as in you can't go with your friends or legion anymore, you have to go with the coalition which is not always fun. It's either drama or your ally is full of AFKers or you lack of clerics and what not. The system is not perfect, obviously, but sometimes you need to make the best out of it. Not saying it's not annoying, but some people or anyone of us has been in the position where you needed to afk in the middle of something, isn't that so? And then there are those who have multiple accounts and characters running instances like DDreg and EC and what not.

Even if they implement something towards this "issue", some others who feel unfairly treated will step up and they might change it again, who knows. I suggest you to stay out of those groups and enjoy the game with the people you know who won't AFK. *shrugs* And like some others already mentioned DDreg will get removed anyways, so better use it before it's gone forever since the gear is really good! <3

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