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Aion Classic's BOTS are OUT OF CONTROL- By imPansy (2,308 views)


Are bots out of control?  

18 members have voted

  1. 1. Are bots out of control?

    • YES
    • NO
  2. 2. Do you see more BOTs when grinding than other players?

    • YES
    • NO

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  • Poll closed on 09/04/2021 at 02:58 AM

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@Kibbelz and NCSOFT West.

Twitch imPansy - 7.2K followers  (more followers than Aion Classic player base combined)

Youtube imPansy - 26.3K subscribers (more subscribers than Aion Classic)

This is an influencer, a respected BDO streamer and his views on the state of the game.

If you or the team can spare 5mins to watch it in full, you might understand the extent of the issue.

If you can only spare 20s, start at 5:10

Look at these bot trains. 

Look at the ratio in these examples of real players vs bots.

There were at least 2 'accounts' per bot group.

If you were to check the population of that Zone, the ratio of bots to players would be 70% BOTs.

So if up to 70% of the Siel population (3077) we had 2021-08-23  are bots, then our player base is about 923 players.

If up to 50% of the Siel population (3077) we had 2021-08-23  are bots, then our player base is about 1538 players.

If only 30% of the Israphel population (951) we had 2021-08-23 are bots, then our player base is about 665 players.

This is not even taking into account the rampant hacking or the AP traders.




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