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How many times does it take...


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For NCWest to keep making mistake after mistake before they realize they should actually put time and effort into the products they release before they lose everything.


NCWest doesn't won't to care about the players, the players will not care about the game.  At this rate, they don't deserve ANY money from us as players until we start to see some actual time and effort being put into the shit they do.

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Its simply a failed cash grab.

I mean they have made money, but the scope of the money they could have made with just a tiny bit of intelligence is amazing.

They have literally left millions on the floor due to total incompetence on a very grand scale.

Hats off to them, its quite impressive.


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1 hour ago, 2s349201 said:

Its simply a failed cash grab.

I mean they have made money, but the scope of the money they could have made with just a tiny bit of intelligence is amazing.

They have literally left millions on the floor due to total incompetence on a very grand scale.

Hats off to them, its quite impressive.


This is 1000% correct.After my experience with customer support those staff  literally cost the company thousands of dollars and they just  dont care about it same as 4 years ago when poor support cause me too quit.I literally cant get over a company that is so happy too lose money worst management ever.I even tried using twitter and facebook and they literally do not care about losing customers that spend large amounts.

Their business model is suck you in get some money then lose you except its just not going to work with aion or ncsoft,im amazed that they dont realise every message board and game forum give their company negative reviews and you would be hard pressed to find something positive and its all because of poor communication,game support and implementation.

Every post about this 1.5 will be ignored just like 12 years ago look at game history on retail same failed mistakes over and over.

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