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A Porgus, a Ribbit, and The missing rewards!


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Once again I see myself in the situation where I have to make my voice being heard by typing in these forums.
The previous event we had, was to find Rae or find Hutty, a ribbit and a porgus respectively.
Winning players were to be rewarded: 2 Major Ancient Crowns, as well as an exclusive 'Porgus Costume' or a 'Ribbit Costume' depending on who they discover! 
"All rewards will be distributed on Wednesday, September 29 following the event's conclusion".   AS OF SEPTEMBER 29TH, WE HAVE NOT RECEIVED THESE.

Please @Kibbelz, I understand we are all humans and can forget some things, I'd appreciate it if you relay this information to the dedicated department.

Have a good one.

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  • Aion Team

Hi everyone,

Just received word from the team responsible for executing the giveaways. They apologize for the delay and look forward to getting rewards distributed as soon as possible. As of now, they intend to distribute the rewards sometime between Monday and Wednesday as there have been other critical issues demanding their attention. Thanks for your patience and apologies for the inconvenience on this.

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On 9/30/2021 at 7:57 PM, Kibbelz said:

Hi everyone,

Just received word from the team responsible for executing the giveaways. They apologize for the delay and look forward to getting rewards distributed as soon as possible. As of now, they intend to distribute the rewards sometime between Monday and Wednesday as there have been other critical issues demanding their attention. Thanks for your patience and apologies for the inconvenience on this.

I've still not gotten the rewards.

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On 9/30/2021 at 7:57 PM, Kibbelz said:

Hi everyone,

Just received word from the team responsible for executing the giveaways. They apologize for the delay and look forward to getting rewards distributed as soon as possible. As of now, they intend to distribute the rewards sometime between Monday and Wednesday as there have been other critical issues demanding their attention. Thanks for your patience and apologies for the inconvenience on this.

I have not gotten the rewards as well.

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