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Trading section


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6 hours ago, Bryos-KT said:

We did have sections specifically for trading in the old forums, but they were never really active at all. Unless more people use them, it would be kind of a waste. 

We also had separate subsections for each class not just a "class discussions" section.  I would love to see that come back.

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51 minutes ago, Plezurenpain-DN said:

We also had separate subsections for each class not just a "class discussions" section.  I would love to see that come back.

We had separate subsections for almost everything and yet vast majority of post went to General Discussion (where it got lost on 'old' pages quite fast) - yes, even posts that had their subsection. And posts in subsections were ignored, but when copied into General Discussion few days later, they magically got replies.

Unfortunatelly, too many subsections make people ignore them.

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7 minutes ago, Plezurenpain-DN said:

Hell even then you get people replying about other classes in your post lol

You could get that in subsections too. :D

Plus, it was difficult to put "Compare these classes" into appropriate subsection, when you had only once class for subsection. Sometimes people copied it into all classes they wanted to talk about and then ran several parallel discussions about the same stuff.

This no-subsections setup isn't perfect, but the previous one wasn't either.


Also for the Trading section, I don't think we had that, we used server sections for trades.

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I don't remember if it was allowed to post stuff into the Classes section, but even if it was, no one used that - there are no threads in it: http://forums.na.aiononline.com/na/forumdisplay.php?f=40

But hey, I'm not trying to convince you, you shouldn't want those subsections. I'm just providing a different point of view. I won't cry if they add more of them.

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