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If you signed up for the NCSoft Mailing list, you will not be getting a 30E acc.


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Hi Guys,


I reached out to NCSoft regarding the email 30E accessory, and as you can see in the images linked (https://imgur.com/a/tyXd11k), you will not be getting a free accessory. It appears as though they did not intend for this to be an advertisement, and mistakenly false advertised.


If NCSoft West / another GM could confirm this, I think we'd all like to have final confirmation. Sorry for everybody who was expecting to get something.

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I love how many players I know actually were looking into this and thought it was minimal but worth while to turn on the settings and let NC send them different new info.  Maybe there was a reason this was tucked at the very bottom of the webpage for 1.5, never meant to actually be found and acted upon.

Yikes guys.

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