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State of classic post 1.5


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I thought 1.5 would make this game better after spending so many months waiting for it but i guess i was wrong..

First off how are we even supposed to make kinah or enchantement stones now that NC removed the gold drops from Brushtonin/Theobomos?? i get we can still get drops from Beluslan/Heiron but most of the time the gold stuff you get from those maps is lvl 35 and do not yield high level enchant stones... Yea theres instance where you can get higher lvl fabled items as random drop but the Cooldown timer on those instance make it inefficient to farm let alone having to roll on the said item vs a full group to get em.

i know there still crafting/gathering as a viable option but i just feel like  removing fabled drop in lvl 50 maps was a mistake.

also making white stuff untradable?? we already have a 1m kinah limit .. so once you hit ur kinah cap limit for the day you are stuck with lower tier equipement clogging ur inventory. 

These changes feels like they are meant for the korean servers and not properly tailored for the NA scene.. 

Also WTF is up with  the siegeing stuff?  idk about SL but in IS nobody bother tryin to take a fort they just leave inner happen because its actually impossible to even take down a fortress door! and when Dredgion hit all we can do is try to grab dredgion commander aggro and kite in away from deity until siege end...

@Kibbelz @Loki You guys need to do something. Aion Classic been dying for months now , but now it's kind of worst than it ever been there so many stuff that need fixing.

Let the players have fun.  Stop punishing your player base for your inaction. Fix your Game while there still people playin it.

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Yeah @Kibbelz we don't have the population of Korea. Some of the changes they send over just make the game impossible for us. This needs to be somehow communicated to Korea or you guys need people who can make  the necessary changes. We cannot scratch the new deities or the new doors, our population is simply too low. Forts are a big important part of the game for medals and in the next patch they are even more important for their instances. This is something that needs to be fixed quick or even more people will be quitting.

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ncsoft doesn't care which is why the ap traders and cheaters go back at it again and again and again cause they never get more than a 3-7 day ban, just do yourself a favor and leave that way it'll be ap traders/cheaters vs ap traders/cheaters


the rampant hacking and ap traders aren't doing anyone favors, people see it and this type of behavior just causes people to leave, that's why we had 30,000 players go down to 500 to maybe 300 on a good day between both factions on siel,  hope the hackers/ap traders like the many that i would love to name on asmo and elyos side but i can't do that here, enjoy killing rank 9 bots and complain about how there is no population to actually pvp anymore, that's all on you cheaters so enjoy the once live server it was become nothing


alot of people will see this just as qq and it may be but i'm also pointing out facts, if you even mention hackers and ap traders your faction's lfg just says get good stop being rubbish, that right there is the perfect example of the toxic community killing itself off

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I came in foolishly thinking that 1.5 would bring a breath of life back into the game, but the reality struck me quickly for it to be untrue.  Most of my legion has quit for other games and sometimes a select few will log in for DP, Dredge, and PvP Daily/Weekly nothing more nothing less.

From a broader perspective, yes this game is literally on the verge of death.  Dredge queue times are atrociously long, and LFG is pretty much dead after the final Dredgion.  For the one's who cant PvP, 1.5 has Fenris which is comparable to the PVP 40E set.  But unless people proc the heart 1st try, good luck finding Boiling Balaur Blood Stains on the broker because there are less than 70 on the broker on IS-Asmo side.  At some point the one's who are trying to find their one ticket thru Fenris/Miragents to actually compete with the opposing faction that has PvP gear are going to have the harsh reality that they won't advance past the Pants quest and lose even more motivation to play.

I'll end with this, and if it gets me banned from forums, oh well, but it needs to be said...

@Kibbelz @Loki I'm sure you've seen it plenty of times before, but do you know why you see people saying "NCWest or NC Devs don't care about NA Aion Classic?"

Because you banned hundreds of INNOCENT players without question or rebuttal because they were doing a strategy that was PERFECTLY FINE 12 years ago, but all of sudden it's against TOS because it's an "exploit" for a piece of PvE gear.

Do you know why you see people saying "NCWest or NC Devs don't care about NA Aion Classic?"

Because it took you guys almost a month to ban the AP traders and hackers, even when people presented evidence and in detailed explanation that even someone who never touched Aion a day in their life would look at it and say "Yup, that dude is hacking/AP trading."

Do you know why you see people saying "NCWest or NC Devs don't care about NA Aion Classic?"

Because when Gojira event first released and it was confirmed it had over 180M HP that even 4 Alliances with most of the people being extremely geared couldn't kill it, instead of fixing the event right then and there and hitting reset button the following day, you completely took the event away and it wasn't re-released until 2 weeks later and now we don't even have enough people to kill Gojira by itself, so they just drag it to guards in Morheim.


I love this game.  I could've chosen to pick another game to play, but I decided to stick it out with Aion because I believed change would come.  You took a game that could've THRIVED because it brought back so much nostalgia and people that probably hadn't talked in YEARS, but instead it's been neglected to the point where it would take a full blown miracle to bring back the player base (old and new).  You see the complaints on the forums.  You see the recommendations that people post that could make this game just a little bit better, yet it goes ignored.  I don't know why it takes you so long to reply to the ideas that people in the community truly love and care about this game @Kibbelz @Loki .....but hey, I guess you can chalk it up to "NCWest or NC Devs don't care about NA Aion Classic."

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sucks when you tell everyone you know about this game aion, the memories you had from 10 years ago sticks with you for so long.  they rerelease it, but its almost unrecognizable.  the monthly fee kills the ability to play at your own speed. considering it takes an hour to complete npc chains or get a group,  the 1 hours trial is bs and not even meant for the most casual of players.   i brought a person who had never played aion in his life back to classic,  and even they are confused to why i loved this game so much.   its not the same game, by any means.  the nostalgia didnt even really hit, because its so unrecognizable.    charging monthly for it was mistake number 1.   it proves they're only here for your money and dont care about your experience.  now it seems they've completely given up on na, and are doing everything they can to get ya'll to give up on it too.  punishing people who have stayed loyal,  to a game most people ignored or gave up on,  is a whole new low.  i thought blizzard was the worst,  but you took the cake and made it your own, nc.    this feels like a death, im sure, to a lot of us.  who kept faith in this game due to how incredible it was to us 10 years ago.    if you wonder why we come back to the forums to mourn it.  now you know.   giving up is hard but its the right thing to do.  they want you to.   just let it die.  it was a monster to begin with.

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TBH I went back to EU 8.0 the patch is nice, and to say that EU has higher numbers than a game just released and so many wanted it is beyond believe, players did come back for a game they loved and NCsoft killed that with the lack of help or input, NCsoft does not even seem to know a game that they released 12 years ago let alone be able to fix anything and do the right thing by the player base. NCSoft killed the game before it even had a chance. 

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11 hours ago, heydarling said:

sucks when you tell everyone you know about this game aion, the memories you had from 10 years ago sticks with you for so long.  they rerelease it, but its almost unrecognizable.  the monthly fee kills the ability to play at your own speed. considering it takes an hour to complete npc chains or get a group,  the 1 hours trial is bs and not even meant for the most casual of players.   i brought a person who had never played aion in his life back to classic,  and even they are confused to why i loved this game so much.   its not the same game, by any means.  the nostalgia didnt even really hit, because its so unrecognizable.    charging monthly for it was mistake number 1.   it proves they're only here for your money and dont care about your experience.  now it seems they've completely given up on na, and are doing everything they can to get ya'll to give up on it too.  punishing people who have stayed loyal,  to a game most people ignored or gave up on,  is a whole new low.  i thought blizzard was the worst,  but you took the cake and made it your own, nc.    this feels like a death, im sure, to a lot of us.  who kept faith in this game due to how incredible it was to us 10 years ago.    if you wonder why we come back to the forums to mourn it.  now you know.   giving up is hard but its the right thing to do.  they want you to.   just let it die.  it was a monster to begin with.

I really dont think they are in it for the money. They could have made so much more releasing the real classic version. They had a strong turn out for the initial launch  and could have grown from it, but many saw right away it wasnt the classic version.  It was a dumb down version with many quest missing and bosses and campaigns are a joke. They used to be a challenge and required groups, You can no solo every campaign upto Lost Deava in Morhiem.  At level 34 you can 2 man Kromede ( This wasnt possible in the real Aion Classic) It used to be a game you could have fun playing all levels, now they remove the fun of lower levels and force people to level to 50 quickly instead of enjoying the game. All they have to do is look at the population, same thing happened the last time you made these changes. NC Soft has to have the dumbest people making decisions. They had the results from previous data and repeated the same steps expecting different results, complete stupidity. 

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1 hour ago, UnforgivingOG said:

It was a dumb down version with many quest missing and bosses and campaigns are a joke. They used to be a challenge and required groups, You can no solo every campaign upto Lost Deava in Morhiem.  At level 34 you can 2 man Kromede

To be fair, the average playerbase is now more knowledgable and geared compared to 2009. Groups have been successful in DP s ranks with average gear from day 1 of 1.5 release, whereas in 2009/2010 alot of groups needed miragents or fire resist gear to successfully complete it. Players are just more innovative and efficient (illegal or not) in Aion as they’ve been there and done that. Sure, some things have been nerfed in classic, but the general playerbase is more knowledgable so the game can be considered easier.

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9 hours ago, Voodoodoctor-DN said:

To be fair, the average playerbase is now more knowledgable and geared compared to 2009. Groups have been successful in DP s ranks with average gear from day 1 of 1.5 release, whereas in 2009/2010 alot of groups needed miragents or fire resist gear to successfully complete it. Players are just more innovative and efficient (illegal or not) in Aion as they’ve been there and done that. Sure, some things have been nerfed in classic, but the general playerbase is more knowledgable so the game can be considered easier.

to be fair I have to agree with this when Aion was released no one really new the game today we do its 12 years old. 

To me this release of Aion was only to milk the player base.

NA did not have a team to be able to deal with it they also no nothing about the game.

To leave IS the way it was is a joke and players are meant to be able to enjoy a game how can IS players, (there was a time it could have been merged now that's not the case). 

SR well that was a real mess the NA team knew nothing about and then admitted handing in the repeat quest you would  not get you banned, but many did and NCsoft just would not come out and say sorry to the player base many left due to SR ban wave and it went down hill from then even more. 

The money they ask each month is a joke, and on top of that each month there is more money this is a 12 year old game.   

But the staff not knowing how a game works the lack of input is the real mess here, players come to the forum, yet get no replies from the  team that runs the forum post just go on as if they are not here. (yet players are paying for a service)

The support ticket system is a joke (yet players are paying for a service)

overall its a mess and NA NCsoft does nothing about it so the game Aion Classic will die, a game that so many many players waited for.


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logged in today just to see if anything had changed knowing of course that it would not but i was hoping to be surprised, within the first minute of me being logged on, the commander bakarma spear sold for 950M kinah, if that's not pay 2 sit back and be lazy while others do the hard work for you then i don't know what is, just knowing people have this mass amount means you'll never have an edge on them if you don't open up your wallet


so either a) that person bought kinah with real money illegally or b) sold enough candies to mass that amount, either way it's disgusting to see that and makes me glad i'm putting this game on the shelf, at least elyon changed things to appease the player base like fixing their atrocious enchanting system

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6 minutes ago, Azachi-KT said:

logged in today just to see if anything had changed knowing of course that it would not but i was hoping to be surprised, within the first minute of me being logged on, the commander bakarma spear sold for 950M kinah, if that's not pay 2 sit back and be lazy while others do the hard work for you then i don't know what is, just knowing people have this mass amount means you'll never have an edge on them if you don't open up your wallet


so either a) that person bought kinah with real money illegally or b) sold enough candies to mass that amount, either way it's disgusting to see that and makes me glad i'm putting this game on the shelf, at least elyon changed things to appease the player base like fixing their atrocious enchanting system

or the weapon was sold for real money

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I like how they disabled a core component of 1.5
That being they almost disabled boiling stain drops completely, so Fenris is reserved for whales who bought out broker since launch. There is no way of getting 100 stains without spending 60-100m. Im set to try my first craft in 5 months at this rate. Almost 2 weeks since 1.5 launched and I have 4 stains to show for it, 2 of which i got given by others. After farming 150+ core mobs that didnt drop any... 0 nada nothing.

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  • Aion Team

Thanks for sharing your thoughts on things since 1.5. We discussed many of these issues this afternoon, and the team is in the process of examining several of them. We're hoping to soon make changes and adjust to more ideally reflect the local server dynamics.

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40 minutes ago, Kibbelz said:

Thanks for sharing your thoughts on things since 1.5. We discussed many of these issues this afternoon, and the team is in the process of examining several of them. We're hoping to soon make changes and adjust to more ideally reflect the local server dynamics.

please let us farm stuff like before.. dont turn classic into retail , not being able to get anything from farming  is quite ridiculous and litterally kills the game for a lot of people

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43 minutes ago, Kibbelz said:

Thanks for sharing your thoughts on things since 1.5. We discussed many of these issues this afternoon, and the team is in the process of examining several of them. We're hoping to soon make changes and adjust to more ideally reflect the local server dynamics.

only way people are gonna come back is if some serious changes happen like perma bans for people who repeatedly cheat over and over, sometimes bans need to be unfair because cheating is cheating, if perma bans were handed out more serious then players would actually feel like they have a legit chance and wouldn't question if someone was cheating


all these temporary bans are laughable and that's why your server population is so meh compared to what it was and what it could have been, i believe that if bans were handed out based on ip or your motherboard meaning you'd have to pretty much buy a brand new rig you know how scared people would be to even attempt installing third party programs that give them a huge edge in PvP and PvE instances


now i know people are going to say that may sound too intense as some people may get banned accidentally but that's why the proof would have to be there, we all know aion has its desync issues but let's face it if you're going to cheat in one ncsoft game what prevents you from cheating in their other games like blade and soul etc etc


i for one don't see myself returning because i still see the ap traders and hackers on both sides and it sickens me to think that these players think they're good and bring their elitist attitude with everyone knowing that they got their gear in dishonest ways but like the past ncsoft either gave them a lil slap on the wrist or turned a blind eye towards the matter, for people that did have gear stripped what makes you think they didn't ap trade once again but just do it more covert as to not get caught once again


ap trading is so atrocious right now i know of people on the asmo side who buy rank 1 accounts to log them on so that person can farm them, eventually they'll lose their rank but these people are spending real money on high rank accounts just to farm them, talk about buying ap with real money, such a sad state this game has become

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Please bring back loot to Theo, it's impossible to farm in Heiron without being ganked every 2 min. 

Farming in theo brings nothing. I know there are bots, but ban the bots, don't punish actual players. 

Dredge commanders being unkillable? Who thought it was a good idea to bring that to NA? 

Sometimes I feel like I'm playing on a private server that will close at any minute because there are less and less people playing.

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5 hours ago, Kibbelz said:

Thanks for sharing your thoughts on things since 1.5. We discussed many of these issues this afternoon, and the team is in the process of examining several of them. We're hoping to soon make changes and adjust to more ideally reflect the local server dynamics.

WOAH I'm amazed there are people there discussing anything actually...

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15 hours ago, Shiroturtle said:

WOAH I'm amazed there are people there discussing anything actually...

only thing they'll be discussing is what can they put in the daeva pass/in the store to milk players of a dying game where people just afk in their abyss home fortress lol, also saw someone today who was no longer the person i knew as he sold his account to someone on player auctions so at least he got his money back for what he put in

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On 10/24/2021 at 8:51 AM, heydarling said:

sucks when you tell everyone you know about this game aion, the memories you had from 10 years ago sticks with you for so long.  they rerelease it, but its almost unrecognizable.  the monthly fee kills the ability to play at your own speed. considering it takes an hour to complete npc chains or get a group,  the 1 hours trial is bs and not even meant for the most casual of players.   i brought a person who had never played aion in his life back to classic,  and even they are confused to why i loved this game so much.   its not the same game, by any means.  the nostalgia didnt even really hit, because its so unrecognizable.    charging monthly for it was mistake number 1.   it proves they're only here for your money and dont care about your experience.  now it seems they've completely given up on na, and are doing everything they can to get ya'll to give up on it too.  punishing people who have stayed loyal,  to a game most people ignored or gave up on,  is a whole new low.  i thought blizzard was the worst,  but you took the cake and made it your own, nc.    this feels like a death, im sure, to a lot of us.  who kept faith in this game due to how incredible it was to us 10 years ago.    if you wonder why we come back to the forums to mourn it.  now you know.   giving up is hard but its the right thing to do.  they want you to.   just let it die.  it was a monster to begin with.

If you had fond memories of this game from 10 years ago, youd have fond memories of the monthly fee too

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On 10/25/2021 at 9:20 PM, Azachi-KT said:

ap trading is so atrocious right now i know of people on the asmo side who buy rank 1 accounts to log them on so that person can farm them, eventually they'll lose their rank but these people are spending real money on high rank accounts just to farm them, talk about buying ap with real money, such a sad state this game has become

You actually know people who'd pay to buy an account only to rubbish it after a few days of farming the AP off it?  Cause that sounds like a giga waste of money.

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8 hours ago, Blademastaz said:

This sums up the state of classic post 1.5. NCwest can't even find their own mob names in their system lol.

Yah, I still can't believe he posted that. Someone from management should have a talk with Loki because it's one thing to be as incompetent as they are but another thing to admit it so openly on the forums.  

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27 minutes ago, Shiroturtle said:

Yah, I still can't believe he posted that. Someone from management should have a talk with Loki because it's one thing to be as incompetent as they are but another thing to admit it so openly on the forums.  

I prefer communication over silence. Shiting on people who try to tell us what's going on is a bad move, I prefer being aware (and sad/dispaointed) than being left in the dark.

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