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Posts posted by Ocala-DN

  1. On 8/24/2022 at 1:21 PM, Conman said:

    Are you talking about this? https://myaion.eu/Player/866977
    Do you honestly consider that to be "geared" for today's standards? I don't. I have 2 pieces of 55e armor not enchanted and with white stones (one of which was given for free in a survey), lvl 30 abyss accs that I bought (cough cough) from the shop, and the Zapiel's Spear +10. BTW I got the enchants from the pass! I have 300k AP in relics that I got from the event pass  (cough cough) which I'm saving to get the 55e chest piece next.

    But to answer your question: Absolutely yes. I'm FAR from a whale, but I do buy the pass + aura (and some event passes, not all though) every month. Thanks for asking! Unfortunately if you want any kind of meaningful progress you have to buy the pass, or farm every instance for enchantment stones or to sell LR that you can do daily, but I don't have the time for that (6h+ daily?).

    About my Zapiel's Spear, I worked freaking hard for it. I have 6x SMs in a separate account to summon people that help me near the islands, and I have often dual boxed to help on DPS. I did not buy it, I farmed it.

    I spend around $40 monthly since I came back 2 months ago to get some progress going... It may not seem much for you maybe, but it's a shitload of money for a old game. I only pay because I really, really like the game.

    Not bad for being back only 2 months :)
    I have been back for about a month, and still grinding....even with the pass sub as well. But I really like the game, only game that keeps my attention. Are there whales out there, of course, wish I was one, but I am not. Not going to cry about it as well though. Just play the game best I can and have fun. I don't let all the drama frustrate me. Just like real life, there is always someone with a bigger stick lol

  2. 8 hours ago, Conman said:

    I'm pretty sure people still buy candies. But yeah, RMT is much cheaper so people tend to go for that more often.

    You forgot to mention Daeva Pass: Default pass, Beginner pass, Event pass, Returnee pass. The amount of enchantment stones in the pass is CRAZY. Plus candies (can't sell them but it doesn't make it less P2W), P2W title (even has pvp damage lol), extra Boons... and all of the above is on the DEFAULT PASS only.

    We have had a 250k AP pass, some coins pass thatr you could buy all sorts of things with... I mean, you can't possibly deny that the game is P2W, even taking RMT out of the equation.

    INB4 "yOu CaN bUy EnChAnTs WiTh KiNaH" yes, that is true. But it's much, much faster (several MONTHS faster) if you open your wallet.

    Ahhhh, gotcha and understood. So is this how you got to be so geared? Opening your wallet?

  3. 43 minutes ago, Arhangelos said:

    They're losing players exclusively because of pay-to-win. Subscription was known before it launched and tenths of thousands of people accepted it and pre-subbed!

    Up to this date the cash shop is the No1 reason the game lost 99% of the players. They can make the game f2p tomorrow, it will be the same p2w garbage only with a myriad of f2p bots.

    ~I never died :D

    So what is the p2w stuff, the candies? I don't even see anyone buying candies anymore.

  4. On 8/10/2022 at 4:24 PM, Locke said:

    They're complaining because there was a sudden drop rate nerf and manastone prices tripled. Seems reasonable.

    Also, you're not 55 yet? Didn't you just post asking where to farm a stigma? Please tell us how your farming went.

    It went very well thank you, got what I needed :D

    I am 55 now and all is fine from what I can see. Manastones are a bit pricey yes. But hopefully they get around to fixing it. Nothing to cry about though IMO. 

    On 8/11/2022 at 8:19 AM, Techguy said:

    Hahahhahahaha you are funny, that is for sure.

    It's a waste of time to argue with you because apparently you don't know whats going on. Have a nice day!

    Yeah. I wonder when will he realise that he has to buy kinah from RMT to get his skills and stigmas. That will be hilarious.

    But we are a bunch of crybabies, complaining without reason. Maybe 90% of the population were crybabies, because they are long gone!

    But hey, he must be right and everyone else is wrong!

    I got everything I needed, and did not have to "buy kinah" to get it. I have no clue what you are doing wrong.....maybe your desire of wanting immediate gratification is the real issue. Your self entitlement attitude is not surprising in the least bit though.

  5. I second this. This is good for returning players and new players. As of now, it is very difficult to find groups for leveling campaign quests. So the extra help of XP boost is certainly well appreciated and will probably keep some of the returning players and new players to stick around instead of rage quitting :)

  6. 3 hours ago, Techguy said:

    Oh boy. Who wants to be the one to tell this guy how wrong he is? Hahahahaha. Good luck, man. You are going to need it. Literally going to need luck for every aspect of progression at this point. Luck not getting super geared premades (that alone is a hard LOL), luck finding manastones, luck socketing them (i'd love to see that with the top manastones costing 1m+ each), luck getting enchantment stones, and luck enchanting the pvp gear (this one is a bit funny too, you should try) that you will -eventually- get losing most of the PVPVE instances.

    The only thing you will do fine with in this patch is Sapphire Medals. Don't get me wrong. As you said it yourself, you will get the gear you need/want, but it will take you DOUBLE the time of those that are already geared beating you up. And it shouldn't be that way. That is not a good way to attract new players. They will just leave when they realise that.

    Now I don't blame the players for this, this is all on NCwest. They fked up making so that we have almost no new players coming in, and the ones that do get to play are going to be stuck for a loooooooooooong time getting beat upon.

    Sooooo, all of this sounds exactly the same as the game was way back when it came out. Not sure what you expected, a totally revamped game?  I had no issues with the game back then, and I have no issues with it now for the most part. I am having fun playing it again, good stuff for me. I know players that left Aion classic for the same reason they left way back when, hated the random number generator (luck), hated being beat up by others with better gear, wanted things instantly......if you don't like the mechanics, why play and spread your negativity?  Seriously, all this crying on here gets soooo old. Go play something else.  One thing that keeps new players from coming on as well, is reading your cry baby posts, they dont read the good things, only the bad. No one speaks out about good things, only bad things. It is like working front line phone support somewhere, no one ever calls in to tell you how much they enjoy the service, only the angry people call in.  So please, pretty please with a fooking cherry on top, go cry on someone's shoulder and play a different game. :)

  7. 10 hours ago, marikazan-KT said:

    This game is nothing but the mega whales and pay2wins left every single dredge and tiak is 99% geared officer premades.There is literally no point as a new or return person to even bother you will take forever too catch up let alone socket/chant your gear goodluck doing it legit with no quna or illegal kinah.

    Players said they didnt want or like pay2win and lol that is exactly what this has become a 2nd time round.

    Game is nothing but wallet warriors carried by gear, godstones,ap trades ,hacks and every other thing that doesnt get banned here because who cares as long as they pay a sub right.

    More like nothing but a bunch of crybabies that want instant gratification and rage quite or rant about being beat up by other players that out gear them. I am a returning player and it seems fine. Are there players that out gear me, sure, but they worked for it and put in the time. As I will and eventually get the gear I want as well.

  8. One thing is for sure, seems most do not want to help new or returning players level up and completing campaign quests. Finding groups is very difficult. So if any of you are truly concerned about player base dropping off, help some of the lower level returning or new players get up to speed so we stick around......next time you see some lower levels in LFG begging for help to get campaign quests done, help out. 

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