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Posts posted by Khalee

  1. hello my dear Aion administrators @EMpulse @Roseae , in the most attentive way I ask you to unban the all accounts that have been banned,, is not good for the community , since contrabass is more players join the game, it's been more than 2 years since I don't see someone new joining, we're just veterans who love the game, even if they abandoned us for the classic we're still here, please not only unban those who pay, also the free to play deserve to be unbanned!!! I don't think the reason for the ban was something serious, since I haven't seen any imbalance in the game. I ask you for the sake of our beloved Aion unban the main accounts. With all my respect I send you a cordial greeting

  2. 15 hours ago, Rin said:

    Como nota al margen: quería tomarme un momento y agradecerles nuevamente por todos sus comentarios esta última semana, ¡y espero con ansias que surjan más! Ha sido una semana ocupada aquí con el equipo, y todas sus conversaciones continuas en los foros y su paciencia son extremadamente útiles. Seguiré haciendo todo lo posible para mantener a todos informados tan pronto como tenga más información sobre cualquier otro tema, ¡y por favor sigan con sus conversaciones!

    Hello, the possibility of buying more apsaranta cooler has not been reset!!! 

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