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Posts posted by Testimony

  1. 14. Keys and bundles can be obtained by defeating 'Head Priest Nashuma', 'Turatu Spawnfoot', 'Sukana the Learned', and 'Elder Malekor'.

    I would like to say that it is always the same people who benefit , the top player, you know asmodian are over populated on this server and they come and pvp are team and pull the boss out.

    Those player are +15 on weapon and gear , they nerver sleep, problaby bot.

    I have only 2 chance to take part of this event because of spawn time.

    sad.  :( 

  2. Sorry ! right now game is designed to benefit the Asmodian!

    Asmodian kill are kisk the veille mastonius event 2 june and was asmodian who are High rank.

    And then on 9 june you(asmodian) came create alt and take arti so we can't  use it in the event so you get kill veille and that was a succes, Elyos legion name "Girl just want have fun".


  3. In the regions of Canada where daylight saving time is used, it begins on the second Sunday of March at 2 a.m. and ends on the first Sunday in November at 2 a.m.

    So now because of the time change i cannot do Tiak and abyss siege.

    Am in Eastern time zone UTC-4

    I was able to do Tiak  like 21h and Diedge at 19h, Ingg and Gelk Siege 20h ,not Siege at 22h. In weekend i was able to do Divine 23h.

    Now am able to do Dredge 20h and Ingg Gelk siege 20h, but won't be able to do Tiak 22h and abyss siege 23h.

    I would like to see time schedule change in a way that i can take part of siege and pvp instances.

  4. NO NO NO fixed at all i Still have no , 0 drop in open world mobs .

    normally by doing the daily quests for the platinums/sapphire I sometimes had a white drop and now after the fix Still have  0 drop nothing change.

    Except i noticed in Dredgion and tiak little drop not enough to keep money flow and buying over price enchantstone.

    Before patch 2.5

    Enchantstone LV80 2M

    Enchantstone LV85 4.5M

    After patch 2.5 

    Enchantstone LV80 5M

    Enchantstone LV85 6.5M




  5. Here my ap loss from dying in pvp in open world, and in siege killed by asmo group.

    AP loss base on my own calculation, and sometime the lost is less depending on your life level  but its not constent. 

    As 1 star -  1000 ap

    As 2 star - 1.5k ap

    As 3 star - 2.2k ap

    As 4 Star - 3.3k ap

    As 5 star -

    As General - 6k to 7k ap

    My Suggestion is for a fair pvp .


      12 hours ago, Cyfur said:

    That's good isn't it?

    Starves the bots.


    And starves player ;(

    BTW I don't buy kinah from chinese vender.


    no drop in 2hrs , exept 1 burning balaur shit.



  7. I refer to the basic rules of aion, you cannot play both races on the same server and at the same time,

    to prevent one of the factions from transmitting information on the opposing camp.

    The siege of Divine conquered by the Asmodians on November 26th.

    Some facts during the fighting lead me to believe that there was strategic information passed from one camp to another,

    to the advantage of the Asmodians.


    «aion was designed for players to play only one race per server»  Aion Retail

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