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Posts posted by KimuTuky

  1. Because they have forgotten to place these good events. where people play, do quests and the economy of the game improves. Players have to enter the world of Aion to try to get these weapons. Now we need Events with good rewards where people have to play for Real. not being AFK killing mods... I hope more characters can comment and support so they could bring more GOOD events

  2. Hello Rin. What happened with the Stormwing🦖 Egg Event for aion retail. For this to work you must put Good Events. Most people are looking to complete their Apostle collection and those who are just starting out are looking to Up their Deavanions skill. you need more players. It is useless to have a basic game. Most people don't want an empty game. and I think they lose nothing by running a good event with good rewards. So no one wants to play. I hope you can read the petition and excellent work. but they can always improve

    Permanent mounts, permanent pets Apostols selection. These are things that people appreciate very much.

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