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Posts posted by Adorkable

  1. On 4/11/2023 at 3:24 AM, Peachyy said:

    KR refuses to localize for other regions. That's it. That's the answer.
    KR can keep the rates as is because they have 10k people and bots playing. With that many dropping things, healthy amount of bots, the economy is less affected.
    NA has 500 players on a good day. So the drop rate is far inadequate for that player base, but nothing can be done on NA's end because KR wont allow it.
    So either deal, or get 8000 more friends to play. 

    We'd probably have more players if the current players stop getting in LFG and complaining for hours on end.  Nothing can be  done by talking in LFG.
    Yesterday, a new player sat in the starter zone listening and asking questions for about an hour - deciding if they wanted to play or not play.  I invited them to my guild, gave them some lower potions/food which I make and assisted them when they needed help with campaigns. 

    And yesterday - over and over we have new players trying to find groups for  campaigns... All you hear in LFG chiding or the  insults start again.. or "You'll never find anyone to help you".  Clicking these names, you can see they are level 55.  I am 55, I have no alts.  So I go assist.  

    We can decide to play  - and how we play actually does have a ripple effect.  This new person sitting in the  new zone indicated someone whispered them to "Log out and go die".  Really?   This  is what the game has come to?  

    Here's the thing... community matters also. We can have the best drops... but if we are ugly to others... especially new folks.. yeah - we are still going to be  at 500 or less players on any given day.  Now I know folks don't start out this way and as a game has issues, people get angry - annoyed and verbal.  But let's decide to stay, and wait it out - or go.  But how about not sit there in LFG and ensure new players won't stay - or make fun of them not being able to do a campaign solo.  

  2. 9 hours ago, Zurl said:

    So what?

    If players can get kinah or items they need from quests  and instances, then they don't have a need to buy kinah from bot runners.


    Yes, but the biggest issue comes in when a new player hits the game.  But these can be fixed with a  few changes:

    • Give new folks  scrolls and potions to carry them through level 16 at least.
    • Give them the  skill books as they level > the cost of these add up
    • Let the icons show for the general quests  - so they can make enough Kinah  to  teleport out of  the  major city when they become a Deava.  Far too many are getting stuck in the main city.

    My biggest problem is that the  players in the new zone have it  rough. Some small potions would  help them.  Not all classes  can  move through  easily.
    Then we have the other  issue  -  regarding regular stigmas, which are  just not dropping.  There  really has  to  be  a  work  around for this.   Some reward with  bound stigmas? 

  3. On 4/12/2023 at 9:51 AM, Cyfur said:

    I believe the devs do not want you to farm kinah, they want you to get it from quests and instances the kinah rewards for which they will increase when the 1 kinah merchant reward system comes in. I don't know if we get it in 2.7 or have to wait for a later patch.

    It's not the Kinah drops which  bother me - as much as it is  the  drops of meat , elemental stones, manastones - and other  items crafters need. 
    The  meat is  really important to me as a cook, but I am able to  morph elemental stones. 

  4. On 3/16/2023 at 2:33 AM, Shirene-DN said:

    Legion of bots afk in sanctum warehouse for hours, really annoying.


    Yep - I go in there and often see 10+.
    The bots got so bad that they kill steal anything you try to kill - for drops or for kill counts.  It's frustrating.
    And most of these bots are pretty obvious - in large groups, similar names, same looks, same gear -- or -- are in the same general region set in different spaces to rotate around in a circle killing mobs.

    I would think by now it would just be better to employ GM's to go seek them out >> then watch  them slowly kill the  game. Then the drop problem is .. owie.  So many new folks coming in - then just going back out and deleting their new toon.

    Even the ones you try to help - can't afford anything.  
    Drops are dire to being able to not only help piece the  armor you wear early on - but to sell or NPC for Kinah.
    I wore junk gear I picked up - till level 50 (I'm a Spiritmaster.. it's doable). And this  gave me time to really work on my crafting, gathering, aethertapping - and earn kinah for the PvE (hand made) gear I really wanted. 


  5. On 4/4/2023 at 3:34 PM, Kalev said:

    I contacted support. They know about the issue and are working on it. (Errr the quality is real real bad. I'll try and fix when I am home, first time trying to post here, sorry.)


    My worry is that we have had a nice amount of new players > who hitting the game > has substantial issues making any Kinah via drops.  They obviously ask about the very poor drop rate and ... well LFG breaks out in considerable negative chat about "the status of AION Classic".  I have invited many new ones to my guild to help them out - and ... sadly they are deciding that after a few days of poor drops, they simply don't want to play.  

    Basically - this issue is causing ripple effects by not making it a game new folks want to play.  If not for  the ones who do play - try to fix this so we don't watch  new blood decide to log out and delete.   It is painful to watch.

  6. I am using an amulet now on double drop and getting barely anything for drops, not even junk drops - and no Kinah at all.
    And this is becoming concerning, because every few hours - there are easily 10 minutes of people complaining about this.

    • We have many new players joining > and asking why the drop rate is so very bad.
    • We have these same new players > getting caught in the big city once they become a Daeva. 

    The second issue is that the regular quests do not show - and new players do not realize they must keep running to the NPCs to see if they have quests.
    Due to this, they are no able to have enough kinah to get teleport around - once they become a Daeva.


    It is nice to see an influx of new players. But the lack of drops and inability to know where to get the quests to help them gain kinah > is driving them out.
    Last weekend I had open recruiting for new players, sent them low level potions, running scroll, etc... but most of them left the guild and game due to the issue with being able to obtain Kinah from drops (and again, not seeing the quests w/o running from npc to npc).

    I also think that new player seeing the many many new negative comment in the chat - are driving them away.

    Please consider troubleshooting these issues .. by logging and playing the game and seeing what we see / experiencing what we do.
    I am a legacy player from Old AION (2009) and I sincerely want to see this game gain many new players - as well as  retain those who are already playing.


  7. I started playing AION when it came out around 2008. 
    I played up until the last 3-4 years, once the zones started being removed and the game drastically changed. 


    When I read about AION Classic recently, I decided to try it out. 
    Here are some of the things I saw starting out:

    • We used to be given a small amount of HP and MP pots - when we created our characters.  We are not now, and this is a small handicap & slow down.
    • Once we get to level 9, most of us do not have enough Kinah to purchase the skills we need - or teleport to the first city (for me it was Verteron).
    • There are elite zones in Verteron, and once I hit a certain level -> I would generally be able to solo them. But not this time. 
    • These elite zones also seem to have - more - elites roaming about than before. 

    When I hit Elthen

    • The mobs in Kaiden mine were far more than I remember starting out on the original AION with. 
    • They are also substantially more difficult than before
    • For me, these elites were important, since this is where I'd get my drops > to NPC > to help me make Kinah.

    Basically, the Elites are far stronger than I remember and there are far more.  Trying to move through these zones is impossible w/o a large group.


    • Same. The mobs were thicker and far stronger than I remember. 
    • We used to be able to group someone (to hold the group) and enter alone to get our quests done. 
    • Even 2 of us were unable to get past 1 group of elites. 


    Things I liked

    • I am very glad that the essencetapping, aethertapping and morphing as is as it once was. 
    • I'm trying to get used to the accomplishments > and the rewards I get for completing them. 
    • I like seeing people on the map with me - this is very important and vital to show there are other players in the game.  The other AION became about instances and that took people off of the maps.
    • I really liked seeing people at the crafting stations - this showed me the game was populated and not dead
    • I liked seeing folks selling in the main city - although there were only a few. I forgot we could do this.
    • Guilds - The guild who invited me was already almost to max (36 I think?) when I was invited & it was a new guild.  This made me happy.
    • Helping - I saw higher folks helping lower folks.  This is good to see

    The other thing that I really liked was folks playing the game being positive. While were were a few arguments about drops, it was nice to see folks talking back and forth, linking where they saw enemies and generally being patient with new players questions.

    I also liked that the Broker was full of various materials - which is always a good sign.


    I play another game now, and I visit my character (Ode) on the old AION, but I have decided to make AION Classic my home for Adorkable, my Spiritmaster and get back to making videos of things I remember and can see still work.

    Thought I'd share. I do see playing as worth the value, but the elites are far too thick in these zones and that I find a problem I hope you will consider fixing.
    Bots were never able to handle these mobs before - because of the roaming mobs that will jump / kill them. 



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