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Posts posted by Azii

  1. Can we please get any information on what the status is with upper abyss forts rewards? NC rectified the ground forts in balaurea but the abyss forts are still rewarding sapphire medals. This is not what the Korean version of 2.5 awarded and it's making gear progression slow and tedious. Many people living on the west coast cannot attend balaurea fort siege during the week because they are still at work. If the upper abyss is giving the wrong reward for NA players we need it addressed immediately.

  2. Upper abyss forts are not giving the correct reward. It's still giving us sapphire medals. In Korea the rewards are Platinum medals and fragments. Not having upper abyss giving the correct reward has really stunted progress on obtaining the new gear. Some of my friends feel like the grind is so daunting now that they don't even bother to log in. We need this fixed asap so the people on the west coast can participate in siege that isn't gelkmaros and inggison forts.

  3. We also really need an answer on when the world drop rate will return to what it was. Once again we're faced with the issue of not having the manastones we need to socket into gear. The pass gives us supplements to socket mana stones but if they dont drop then we have no need for them. We begged you guys to do something for months. Please don't make us wait months to revert to something that was already working.

    3 hours ago, Bintang-KT said:

    Based upon our investigation into the maximum level for crafting, we found 399 to be the highest reachable level simply because there is no quest available to upgrade higher. Anything higher than 399 is a distant memory or probably you were dreaming it. Please trust we investigated this issue thoroughly and with integrity in mind at all times.
    - NC West: A Team

    This isn't true and we know it isnt true. They just dont read the korean patch notes for the game they run.

  4. I know I've seen people in game talk about this but nothin on the forums. Tahabata is apparently no longer dropping 6 marks. I know this change wasn't really announced,  aside from a single sentence in a maintenance notice, but there's been no notice from 6 back to 1. I was under the impression that the 6 mark drop was going to be permanent going forward. There was no announcement of this change and I'm wondering if it's bug?

    To be clear, I have not run DP myself. With 2 confirmations from people that taha is only dropping 1, I'm not bothering with it.

  5. Please, the manastone issue is getting really bad. If NC west can't fix the drop rate issue without help from Korea at least add them back to the pass. The supplements are worthless without any stones to actually use them with. I'd much rather have manastones than the supplements and I'd think its safe to say the rest of the community would as well.

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