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Posts posted by Nesuferit

  1. 1 hour ago, Stachee said:

    Sooo uhm @Rin....about those drops....?

    the drops are the same, bots are happy tho, they aren't disturbed by any staff member, they continue to selll kinah to players, they continue to farm in the right spots and so on. They did a great job to slow bots down, not to stop them. People now can't even farm kinah from mobs or items, so I'm curious how's this going to be fixed? it's been a month and nothing so far has been done, only promises - words that mean nothing.

  2. you give the newbies free ap items? omg...just give it once, not every month another item, and full accesory set. Also, returning players got Taha gear in the pass, what about the others? u're  putting the returning players on the 1st place and the one that kept playing the game on the 2nd place. If it's this way just give me 50e pieces, so i stop farming for a few months and i won't buy ur passes either. Bu****it criteria.

  3. I don't get it, why is it so hard to get the drops back to normal ... at least make some drop events like dungeon dwelve one...double/ triple the drops in instances...And why would someone take loots out as a measure to get rid of bots when you obviously influence directly all the players, beginners or not. I guess this is what you americans call ``Collateral Damage``.

  4. I suggest you guys to make the Siel Aura for Aion classic cheaper, so other players from poor countries can buy it, or at least make it so it can be bought from mall and sold to other players you know? Everyone would like to buy Siel Aura with in-game currency .

  5. You should find solutions to make people stay in this game..not merging the servers. Siel aura is an impediment for many players, the price of it is too high for what they've been given.  I don t know about the population on IS server, but on Siel, there's only 1 party in the chat, and like 7 people in Reshanta. You can't see a player roaming around in the other maps. Game's dead, and you failed to bring it back to life these months you've been warned about it.

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