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Posts posted by MissAlita

  1. 16 hours ago, Load said:

    If you couldn't finish the pass, even with the reset of achievements, then that's on you for not paying attention to the dates. You can't buy the pass 1 or 2 weeks before it ends and expect to finish it. From experience you need at least 3 weeks of finishing every quest to finish the pass. They even gave an extra reset this time due to the Coins pass being too hard.


    No I did not. And I'd not say that I'm surprised as I was already expecting this to happen... I'm just disappointed.

    No, I don't see it as being up to me, the rewards in the Daeva pass are not properly adapted to the life of the character, for example the gold coins and the like must be rewarded earlier and not only then when the character no longer needs them and long ago beyond that, what is a character with almost 50 supposed to do with silver coins..? It's poorly adjusted and should be done right, my character is fats 50 and still has to carry silver coin set which makes leveling so horrible and not fun.

  2. @Rin

    The rewards in the last Daeva Pass, especially the gold coins, platinum coins and such came late, my character levels are increasing faster than the reward levels are adjusted, the rewards in Dave Pass need to come sooner rather than when it's too late, my character is 48 and still has to carry a silver coin set from eltnen, which is far too much of a hassle to work with at this level. Also, I unlocked the rewards and now I haven't received any of them because the Daeva Pass ended faster than I could complete the stages. This shouldn't happen, especially if you've unlocked it. My character can do almost nothing, no Kinah, no coins, just almost nothing, I can't even buy the current skill books.

    I like Aion Classic and enjoyed playing it, but right now it's just too tedious to keep going.
    I've been playing Aion since 2012 and was looking forward to classic, but the joy has now sunk in these states.

    In addition, all stigma are missing and that is important for the cleric when healing.

  3. It can be easily and simply prevented by gaining XP not by dying. Stay Characters are trying to prevent XP gain from dying and this needs to be stopped.

    Aion Classic should be a pleasant game without stress, there is no place for stay 5o characters, we have already participated enough with such players in normal Aion and do not need to experience something like that again.

  4. Basically, I always play in such a way that I don't terorize or hurt other players and always with respect. If everyone would do that then the game would be a lot easier, many players have already left aion because there are players who just can't deal with people and push their ego that can't be the point of a game.

  5. On 8/30/2020 at 4:51 AM, Vantheria-DN said:

    This this this.

    Why do you need +15 Stigmas in Aion Classic? that is completely uninteresting here is aion classic and should not be compared with normal aion, then you can play normal aion and not aion classic, so no to +15 stigmas in classic.

  6. I think Seals Aura shouldn't remain tradable, it can't be that players have to pay for other players, that's one reason, the other reason is that exactly these players who play for free don't really take the game seriously and keep having problems with their behavior do to other players.

    If someone loves the game they will stay and pay, if someone just plays the game for fun and doesn't take it seriously they will eventually leave the game anyway.

  7. Overall, I'm all for it, with one exception, the level 50 PVP Abyss set, which shouldn't be kept in account storage.

    The reason is simple: in Aion times, level 50 characters could assemble the PVP gear with alts for a char to easily get a whole set. The problem now is that certain players had enough discord with this set and caused huge frustrations that further tormented weak players, so the game was just abused for that purpose, it was a disaster back then with this lev 50 character who never got back should be repeated.
    So a definite no to storing the Lev 50 PVP Abyss Set in the Account Warehouse. The players should first learn to deal responsibly with other players, only then can you do it. Players intentionally stayed at lev 50 to torment other players who were weak this must never happen again.

  8. Ich bedanke mich für die nette Hilfe, ich kenne Aion schon lange bei Gameforge in Aion EU habe dort ab 2013 gespielt aber ab Update 6.0 wurde das Spiel immer uninteressanter jetzt suche ich eine Möglichkeit Liebe für das Spiel zu finden wieder.
    Aber ich bin sehr verwirrt über die Siegel-Aura-Aktivierungen, die jeden Tag um 9 Uhr morgens aktiviert werden sollen, was nicht geschah. Ich habe mich gestern abgemeldet und konnte heute immer noch keine Aktivierung finden. Ein weiteres Problem, das ich sehe, ist, dass ich bei meinen zweiten Charakteren bemerkt habe, dass ich mit mehr als 50 Minuten Spielzeit abgemeldet war und heute Seal Aura immer noch ausgeschaltet ist. Laut NCsoft-Website soll die Restlaufzeit erhalten bleiben, was nicht der Fall ist.

    Ich kann mir vorstellen, ein Abonnement zu kaufen, aber ich möchte, dass die kostenlose Version zuerst richtig funktioniert.

  9. Hy

    I'm new and trying to play Aion Classic, I have a problem at level 7, I can't loot any more items, even if I re-login to the game.

    When I try to loot the items, the text comes up:  you are unable to obtain items at the current time

    can someone please give me some tips..?


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