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Posts posted by Rimusia

  1. 15 hours ago, Adla said:

    Well at least the title was right

    Amazing, now we are not even allowed to complain about cheating and inefficient code. Wonderful, no wonder elyos have been and will be always below asmos in all matters just because they enjoy kissing their butts that much :D

  2. I submitted this ticket including photo proofs to aion support but they're like "we can't do anything, go speak in forum, MAYBE development team will see bla bla yeah sure.. But I got nothing to lose, maybe just even more hard earned AP because of the bs that's going on". Here's the ticket: Hello, I wanted to report a well known issue that nobody ever dares to fix with the player on elyos side Mintra and on asmodian side Mintrarenerk. I assume, the names speak for themselves a lot. Mintra is known to spy around various spots and spying on LFG's while leading the strongest and hackiest group on the asmodian side as Mintrarenerk at the same time. How is AP trading banned, and this rat behavior not? Is it not enough that this particular group already is at the unreachable top that makes the imbalance on the server absolutely frustrating? And additionally, fix your game code so it stops censoring words like "full", "fuse", "assassin", "pass" and etc. that's a pretty basic ain't it? And also bot gold sellers spam LFG's with the same old messages and it is so difficult for your coders to blacklist those automatically? Aion is a relatively old game and things like that are fixable in minutes... My husband is a developer and when I showed him some of the things about aion he cringed hard". Anyway I ranted knowing I will get hate that it's my fault I'm not full 55e geared plused out big name. But you know even 55e wouldn't save me from 6 on 1. The issue I'm focusing is not zerg, but the unsportsmanlike spying. 

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