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Posts posted by Solova

  1. @EMPulse

    Just to clarify , did you not read what Basteth said ?


    people who are eligible for compensation and missed the survey, having the survey compensation isn’t going to help them .


    10 stormwing survey tokens is as good as not giving any as your need the missing 5 from BCM which resets when the survey was expired which I think it was 00:00am server time . That’s when the BCM 5 token purchase limit resets too.


    the compensation survey should be 10 tokens for those who’d done all lugbug and lost progress , also an additional of 5 stormwing tokens for those who didn’t get to buy from the time after emergency maintenance was brought up till 00:00am.


    15 tokens should be the compensation amount .


    Hell, even IF, a big IF, players get additional 5 or even 10 tokens , they aren’t going to be ahead and get extra reward. Read upon how the leveling up of stormwing egg works. 

    giving 10 tokens is a short to many players who got messed up by the emergency maintenance that took their progress and 5 bcm token purchase away especially if they didn’t make it online in time for the survey AND the re-purchase of 5 tokens before 00:00 reset. They’re missing out a total of 15 tokens.


    Giving 10 tokens aren’t going to help anyone at all. People still going to set behind by one day, their first day progression are wasted. Giving survey compensation manually of 10 tokens are just a waste of the management team’s time and effort and also not fixing any problems to the players .


    In short, survey should be 15 tokens . With 15 tokens, people are just about to get back on the right track.


    players who weren’t able to purchase the first 5 Bcm stormwing token for the day 24th should be compensated 5 stormwing token .

  2. Let me solve the mystery for you guys. The reason why some people get on some characters and some don't , is because they did not 'reset' the quest on those character that participated the previous stormwing event. It's like a "one time quest" if that makes sense.


    Those who got the special reward from leveling/promoting the egg is probably first timer on the Stormwing egg event.

    This has to be fixed.


  3. Needing 5 Sunflower coin for 1 Ultimate golden key that's equivalent to 250$ USD per re-roll that you most probably not going to get what you need/want.
    3 re-roll chances thats 750$ , might not even get us anything.


    This is really ridiculous. At this price, you're not going to get much people paying for it. People would probably just wait another 6 months to get another chance on the free one or wait for a better sale event. Even at 300$ for 3 re-roll chances its expensive ! If the cost of Sunflower coin for the Ultimate golden key isn't changed, sure, you're going to get like maybe AFEW players that's might or might not pay for it compared to DOZENS or hundreds that might pay for it if it's at a more affordable/cheaper price. 

    Definitely not going to bring in as much sales if the price of the Ultimate golden key isn't changed. lose lose for both Ncsoft and the players.

    Do something about the Ultimate golden key price, so it can become win win for both NCsoft and the players.

  4. Has anyone combined their 6 ultimate breath and 500 ultimate shards since 8.3 patch? On the patch note it says that upon combining 6 ultimate breath and 500 shards, we will be getting Empyrean Lord's Ultimate Transformation Box , instead of the contract.

    In 8.3, the box itself will be able to re-roll with a BCM item that's up for sale in future, up to three times.

    I'm not seeking for generic answers from other regions. I'm actually asking has anyone done it on our server? Is the chest we get upon combining 6 ultimate breath and 500 shards the version that we will be able to re-roll up to three times? Can anyone confirm ? 



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