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Posts posted by Wolffist

  1. @Rownen Are you aware that valentines day ended nearly two weeks ago at this point, that everyone who cared to complete the event already did, and that we have literally nothing else to do in game that is related to an event / is an incentive for players to do?

    I ran 2 BTHM's this week (exclusively in-legion runs, there was basically zero actual LFG runs being advertised during the entire week) and had *1* (one) (uno) eternal drop between them. Gosh, I sure felt like doing more BT after that incredible loot pinata. Not to mention the padma's and the Tiamat I killed this week that dropped a grand total of: nothing but dazzling crystals, which don't even cover the cost of the consumables utilized within the instance.

    It is well past time that we not only get a roadmap for the upcoming patch dropping, but also some kind of reason to keep people playing *and paying* for your game. I don't understand still how we had a great month of the wildcard + 100% drop rate events and ya'll just turn it off with no regard for how the game feels afterwards, no promise of patch incoming, no news whatsoever. What do you guys actually DO when you're in the office? Sit around and twiddle your thumbs? Is all communication between you and NCSoft Korea done through carrier pigeon, making each message between you and your supervisors take months? It is genuinely hilarious how disconnected you as GM's feel from your playerbase. And sure, I'm not in the official discord where you troll and pick favorites amongst the populace, but I shouldn't have to be to have my voice be heard. To be honest, I dont think you ever even read my posts on these forum announcements. You just log in to your account, copy paste the nothingness that week, and log back out. Check still cashes, right?

    Sad to see the death spirals that this game is currently engaged in. If it wasn't for the community that I personally have cultivated in this game that allows me to complete content, it would be impossible to find fun things to do, an issue i commonly see amongst any newer players that attempt to break into the fold of the games population. And even then, with the most active Asmo side legion in the game (25-30 online at peak times), we still sometimes have nothing to nyerk'ing do besides run around in circles or do the same instances with no loot for the 100th time. Oh boy, lets go run telos and have an empty Enraged Samael for the seventh time this week!

    Happy Valentines Day (two weeks late, just like this event)


  2. @Rownen you guys had a *month* to cook up something fun for us during the 100% drop rate event.

    Instead, we're getting a Valentines Day event a week AFTER the holiday, for super crappy skins that in order to match the outfit, you have to spend quna / real life money to finish the skin set with the *free* weapon. By the way, the quest to kill the mobs seems to be either be bugged or not informing the player on what to actually do, as there is a ton of people who can't seem to get a single candy to drop, with others getting it just fine.

    Well, at least it was a fun few weeks. Wildcard went decently despite all the bot hordes using shadowwalk to hide themselves (which was honestly hilarious). The drop rate buffs didn't make the server as populated as I had hoped, but they certainly aren't going to stay at their current levels anyway with nothing to do during the day anymore. Oh, and awesome, you removed the PvE buff again which allowed many new groups to clear some of the actually fun, difficult instances in the game.

    Who knows, maybe after these two weeks, ya'll will finally get back into the *office* and we will get news on the upcoming patch (which exists, right?) and maybe you can take a look at what actually keeps people playing the game. Such as, the events you just ended. Again.

    Love, (Happy Valentines Day, a week late, just like this event!)


  3. Oh man, i can't wait to see what the events are this week!

    *checks notes*

    Oh, I see. The event is them announcing the event for next week. Not even this week.

    Well, glad to see you guys are back in the office! Hopefully this enchantment stone thing isn't just a pay to win event in the shop. I can't say for sure if it is until i see it (it probably is though)

    As for the *Wildcard* event, yes I think it will be fun. However, I think I will be sick of it about 2 weeks into getting shadowbursted by a 4k sorc or getting jumped by 6 gladiators with dispel. I will say it is a step in the right direction, a PvP directed event that offers something new to log into. I am concerned, however, that this will be the ONLY event during the duration of the event. Can we please have some form of assurance that we will have more to do then mess around in AB with silly skills on our characters? This is a month long event with content that I believe will quickly grow stale in some aspects, and solved in some regards as to what is best for each class reducing fun over time.

    Anyways, I love Aion, I just wish you guys would love us back.

    Hugs and Kisses,


  4. Not much to say this week that I haven't said the last 4 weeks. Not worth my time. Just as this game is very clearly showing its not really worth anybodies time, or money. Hope the GM's and CM enjoyed their paid vacation from their job and are hard at work securing us new content like a 15% drop rate buff when they come to advertise their next sale. I have other games to play this week, as most of my friends do as well, so after dailies it will probably be a ghost town (as usual).

    @Roseae Its just very sad that once again an individual comes in and promises the world and fails to deliver anything. Communication is useless without action. Three weeks of communication of a very clear problem with zero actions taken shows a clear lack of care.

    Thanks for nothing,


  5. Hi @Rownen

    I see once again that you have failed to listen to the community as I pointed out last week, and the week before that, and several other weeks before that. We once again have another week where we get given no new events. The *Holiday Events* you are talking about continuing are clicking on a box once a day to get 100 event stigma shards, or with a 0.1% chance probably, a single platinum medal.

    I'm not really sure what to say at this point. Patience is wearing thin. This was a prime opportunity to take advantage of a large portion of your community having time off they usually don't, and they are choosing to play other games instead of Aion as they have no incentive to log in, no fun events or drop rate increases to make it worthwhile to spend your time in this game for people who are more casual players.

    I write all of my posts from the perspective of the BG of the most active Asmodian side legion. I know what I'm talking about. I see the population. I can make assumptions about what people want and what people don't want based on talking to the players, something you seem hesitant to do except in vague approximations like "We're Listening!" on the discord server.

    What we DO want: Increased drop rate events, PvP events, hell, even log-in events at least give people a reason to stay online and potentially join a group they see they are interested in.  Actual proof that a GM exists (Tarzaned?) besides logging in almost a month ago now to advertise a crappy Black Friday sale. Maybe a fix for the Bellator Agent Battle that you released months ago now that is still unkillable and bugged, teleporting all over the map during the fight? Have any of you actually seen what happens at that agent battle? I assume not.

    What we DON'T want: You continuing to kick the can down the road to *well maybe next week* for something interesting in this game. Useless, zero interaction so called event quests. A complete lack of care given to your community.

    I'm not wishing ya'll happy holidays. You get paid to do a job that you are failing at. Do better.



  6. Hello! Its me again. I'm sure you guys definitely read my comment on the last post. And here I am complaining about the same thing again!

    Once again, we have a week rotation in Aion where you are *TAKING AWAY* our events (100% drop rate on Padma, Tiamat, and Stormwing) and providing nothing new to give players a reason to log in besides directly after maintenance to get the pittance you are throwing our way as a **Christmas gift**. Because Santa is definitely known for giving gifts that go away after 3 days like the title and emotion card you are providing us, along with that STAGGERING 5000 event stigma shards and some PAINTING TRACES (Ho Ho Ho!). Imagine giving a loved one a kind of crappy necklace and then yanking it off them three days later. At least last year we got given some enchantment stones, hell, just a few months ago for the 2nd year anniversary we were given a free godstone selection box and some other goodies, why even gift us a gift if its gonna be such rubbish? Aion equivalent of finding coal in our express delivery. Save the shugo, goodness knows enough are vaporized by the thanos snap of express delivery already.

    Once again you are providing nothing for your populace to actually play for. Do you really think the same dredgion event with some goblets in it is going to make people dust off the aion launcher and update the client? Increased communication between you and your player base which you have so eagerly advertised as a reason for returning players to take Aion seriously again, with events like the GM's showing up to advertise your black friday sale to us, isn't cutting it. But at least when the game actually has a reason to play it, people like me can find groups for content and our legionmates have a reason to actually want to play.

    To those who lurk: nothing has changed.

    To those who play: another week of scrounging for groups, doing our dailies, talking in our legion chats while the tumble weeds flow through LFG.

    Looking forward to *not* making a post very similar to this next week because surely you will instead add a reason for your players to log in, say, by having the exact same event going on right now just not end. Because thats an option right? You could just...leave it on? Which would be kinda nice.

    Much love and kisses, happy holidays to everyone but Still Ok members,

    Your favorite F-Tier Gladiator Wolffist


  7. Hi Rownen (and also Tarzaned / the other GM that showed up in game the other day),

    Really, really confused as to how you guys have started to reach out to the community more, but we still are having the exact same issues week to week that make people quit. Surely, somebody in that community discord is telling you guys the truth? If it hadn't been turned into a brand new PvP discord due to a lack of moderation, it would probably have more people like me in there that actually know what the hell is going on with your game.

    How are we still having weeks in this game where all of our previous week's events end and we gain no new ones.

    You realize that we are LOOKING for reasons to play the game, to log-in, but having zero drop rate padmas (have personally killed 6 padmas since event ended, 4 golds 0 eternals), zero drop rate BTHM (3 runs, 2 eternals throughout), and no pve buff (making all the tiamat groups that formed for the 2 weeks we did have it all break up because its much tougher without it) ensures that we have a consistently low population game. WHY should anybody choose to put their time into Aion when it has been proven over and over that your time is not valued?

    I've had easily 30-40 players over the last 2 months come in and out of my legion (2nd most active on asmo side) and the complaints are always the same: why should I play a game where I'm not being rewarded for my time? Why are NCSoft so poor at communicating to us? And my personal favorite: did they really take all the drops out of the game? (YES, THEY STILL HAVEN'T FIXED THAT, @forum lurkers LOL)

    It just shows an absolute disconnection to the status / population of your game when for the 7-8th time in the past few months, we have a week to week cycle where there is zero incentive for players to log in to the game besides to do their dailies. Give us SOMETHING. Flip a switch and turn the warg flight time buff on. What happens to all of this code / content that we are provided in the past, does it just *poof* and is unusable ever again? Or is it an issue of competency amongst those running the operation over here, as is the common conclusion of outsiders looking in.

    Much love, hugs, and kisses,

    #1 BG of Bunny Mafia, F-Tier Glad,


  8. Hi Roseae

    Can we expect any additional communication from NCSoft with the 2.8 update hitting? Its been several months since Wisp appeared, and he  appears to have dissipated again as well with his promises of *increased communication* going with him. Alot of people love this game but hate the way you guys run it, based on how pretty much none of our concerns / problems are ever actually considered in your decisions.

    2.8 is probably your guys' last chance to have any form of population above 500 players (at peak agent battle), which i assume is about how much is needed to sustain a server. I think it would be a really great idea for you guys to actually pay attention to your paying customers for once and maybe start at least responding to our support tickets with less then an automated response.

    Half the events you describe as *ending* never even start, such as the kinah event that you never gave us back (remember when you messed up a week and didn't give it to us, promised us it next week, then forgot it again?) , and we don't even know if the Agent Battle Drop Boost worked because we have no other conditions for the agent corpse being lootable to compare it to.

    I say this as someone who has said *nyerk it i'm quitting* more times then i can count and then continued to play this terrible game, I really think 2.8 is the final chance for many of us here. If you guys make the game even more P2W, even more based on a version of the game with a higher population, and continue to ignore the incredibly passionate, downright insane player base that continues to support you, we will not see 3.0 or 2.9 on this server. Or I sure as hell won't, along with my massive contribution of 10$ each month.


    F-TIer Glad,


  9. @Wissp really appreciate your response to the many comments on last weeks thread, and the fact that you totally didn't ignore all of us @Wissp

    so this week's update adds literally nothing and instead just removes stuff from the game...nice

    oh wait, actually, they made Dragon Lord's Throne HARDER! yes, that boss that only 1 asmo group has cleared twice in months, that definitely needs to be made more difficult for the NA population.

    while you're at it, would you mind following up on the support tickets sent in showing photo proof of several elyos hacking into locations they are not supposed to be, and continuing to play the game? @Wissp

    thanks @Wissp, it is so good to have active communication again on these forums, and not just a zombie that logs in once a week to copy paste what their boss sent them in a drunken stupor through most likely Skype, given how backwards in time your company is.

    on behalf of F-tier players,  keep up the great work @Wissp

  10. Where the nyerk are the drop rate fixes. Where the nyerk are the events. Where the nyerk is the active moderation on any part of this game. I've firsthand seen dozens of players leave my legion, leave the game, leave Aion entirely as a result of your mismanagement of this game. Its pathetic to see @Whisp make a forum post acting as if he will do anything to change the current status quo, and then completely ghost all of us and make ONE (1) post on the AION RETAIL FORUMS (LOL EVEN MORE DEAD THEN NA).

    I expect nothing from the company that let blatant glide hackers like Uhoh, Aeroplane, and many others camp asmo kisk spots for months. Or that allow blatant hackers like Sooki to play for months with no punishment, so that they can say "lol guys i no longer hack i no longer pop red on dpsmeter :)" The moderation on this game is a joke and when this server inevitably closes before the third anniversary, i hope all you salaried employees at NCSoft can lay your head on your pillow and go "wow, i really did a nyerking horrible job on that game"


    @Whisp @Whisp can you acknowledge that you are actually a real human, attempting to communicate on our behalf?  Or are you just another bot like Rin sent to placate the masses so more sub money comes in. God knows nobody is actually buying quna or kinah anymore, there are no bots. Where is the money coming from to support the server?


    Also, shoutout my fellow F-Tier players!

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