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Posts posted by Smiles

  1. NCSoft, you have literally hundreds of comments/threads combined telling you all people are really crying for to fix the server is drop rates to come back.

    I literally can't stomach seeing this game die, it is so much of my childhood and I want so badly for the server to succeed for the players and the devs. You have such a committed playerbase to stomach what we've been through for so long out of pure love for this game, and if you would listen to even a grain of feedback we might have a chance at pulling through. I don't want to return to dogshit lost ark, black desert, WoW, or whatever other MMO. All of these have p2w cash shops, I don't care if its in Aion, the only difference is f2p players can actually grind for money and feel a sense of progression, all you've done is locked us into swipe or quit.

    A MMO requires f2p and p2w players to survive like an ecosystem, you NEED to cater to f2p players or your whales are gonna leave soon.


    Please fix the drop rate and save the game, go ahead and add manastones or stigmas or whatever into the cash shop after, just let us have a chance to get this stuff on our own time to time. We dont need buffed instance drop rates when theres no players left to run instances.


    Sincerely, my nostalgic memories of 12 years and counting with Aion

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