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Posts posted by ShotGlass

  1. I would strongly support to unban shotbot please.  I've got some pretty new characters on the asmo faction side.  I do not yet know shotbot but I hoped that some day I would get to meet him and maybe even join his legion as I also have a ranger almost lvl 85.  Shotbot has a great reputation in the game for his playing pvp.  It is unfortunate to ban someone for making a joking comment or any comment in LFG, and especially on the Asmo side because they have the lower numbers of players already and it's hard to do things or get ahead with so few players.   Please @AION help to give his account back to active again!!!

  2. Not sure this or the game in General is even worth the fight anymore.  It's so dead right now it's crazy.. Only the big spenders are even keeping it alive.  Takes a week of constant autohunt even with XP runes to just to go from lvl 84 to 85 and you have to do it with about 2million kinah to your name.  New players can't get anywhere at this rate for years to even be close to the big spenders... I guess they will get sick of it pretty soon too in spending 1000 dollars to get one piece of paragon to go up by +1.   So just saying fighting over strong vs regular experience extractors is kind of crazy at this point dont ya think?  Especially when NCSoft seems to pretty much not to even listen to anything from the player base lately regarding Luna or Kinah or anything else that slows players down from progressing at all.  In 6 months not really even a event to get an ultimate transform in any reasonable way..  Even people spent hundreds and hundreds of dollars on snowballs and have absolutely NOTHING of a good Ultimate transform from that..  Mostly only a few rich kids got that.  So ... just saying probably shouldn't even waste your time.  By the time you figure anything out the event of nothingness will be over anyway.

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