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Posts posted by Vadux

  1. 14 hours ago, Shirene-DN said:

    Do you realize most of the active players in the server are Europeans? in any case, this "we" is us, the Europeans, we make up most of the playerbase, not americans who are a small minority here. This is our server, we are not the outsiders.

    And back when I started things were not this bad as they've been for the past 2 months.

    It doesn't matter how many of whoever are on it. End of the day this is still an NA server. So actually EU players or anyone outside of NA are the outsiders here.

  2. 9 hours ago, Cyfur said:

    It's that a fact or are you just guessing?

    If it's true, that would explain why nothing has been done about it in NA.


    This is a fact, (I'm trying to find the notes for further proof to add) and yes I'm sure this is why NC West has said nothing. While I scrounge up the documentation, check any KR stream or video of them doing PVE. You will see they have the exact same drop rate as we do in NA classic now. Literally nothing NA / NC West can probably do about it, however making a statement addressing this to the players should be done and should have already been done. Rather than leaving everyone to yell at them wanting answers. 

    3 minutes ago, Stormwing said:

    Gameforge could just not publish Aion Classic, which would be their decision.

    But why would they do that when they could milk it for more money?

  3. 13 hours ago, Asaaa said:

    as if gameforge would buy rights to release eu classic just to do the same patch that they know will kill the game that makes no sense at all. gameforge is greedy and thats also why they dont kill theyre money pig.

    You act as If Gameforge will be able to do anything about this change.  If KR deems it so, that's it, Publisher can only request changes. Developer's make the call not Gameforge.

  4. Just now, Archangelos-KT said:

    ain't that taking away the whole meaning of classic? well anyways im going to see for myself i hope things are done right on EU. i don't have high hopes tho cause gameforge isn't known as a good samaritan either. cheers

    I mean yeah it does. They however are not making any special changes for other audiences. KR has a major bot problem, we get 99% of the exact same updates they create for KR. Once 2.5 hits in EU they will also have drop rates destroyed. If they don't already include that day one, which wouldn't really shock me.

  5. Stop ignoring everyone about the drop rate issues. You are driving this game into a hole it cannot get out of. So much damage to the players and the economy. Yet you do nothing. You look the other way, and ignore the ground breaking issues right in front of you're faces.

    You put this game in a sad state to speak extremely lightly. Aion is done at this rate. Even if you have no answers, you can at the very least acknowledge the overwhelming amount of concerns rather than ignore everyone making the situation even worse.

  6. Apparently they just plan to keep on ignoring the issues, and just sit around saying "this is fine" as the world burns around them.  Meanwhile can't even muster up a community response to the tons of people complaining about the issues in this thread. The moment the bottom line is mentioned, its off to the penalty box you go though. 

    I, and apparently plenty of others, just want to be able to actually play the game. At this rate however, good luck getting anywhere.

  7. I had finally decided to come back to Aion and check out classic. It was very short lived. I made it through Poeta and onward to Verteron. Because the normal quests are hidden unless u know who has them or look for them, there is barely any low level kinah. I was bound still in Poeta when I reached Verteron.

    After buying skills and 1 row of inventory I was unable to afford to even bind in Verteron for the first step of the campaign there. Thus I thought I'd go out and grind some mobs to get a lil kinah, however nothing dropped. Without me seeing Crab Norris, I was promptly delt with and respawned in Poeta of which I could not even afford to leave.

    The way things are established now are terrible, mobs drop nothing or near nothing, and without the ability to toggle "normal quests" you play a game of seek and find to get what little kinah you can. The open world loot to me was part of what made Aion fun, and I did buy Siels, so I feel like that aspect of it for the drops/kinah are a bold lie at this point. 

    Starving the bots is a lazy solution to the problem if this is indeed the case with what's done. You are hurting the real players and decimating the economy. 

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