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Posts posted by Zeoiel

  1. 27 minutes ago, Rexsyth-KT said:

    @Wissp any ETA on the level 40E gear quest we were suppose to get for running dredge last post said it would be fixed today on the 30th 

    Yeah, I'm wondering about this too what happened to though 40e gear we were promised for running dredge! 

    ALSO, a list of other known issues:

    - Macros and pets disappeared from Skill bars when returning from instance servers

    -The fact no one likes these crappy event boxes because they give us nothing worthwhile and the fact you make an EVENT for this crappy lockbox system is USELESS atleast make it good drops like GREEN manastones or ENCHANTMENT STONES, OR ATELAST REMOVE THE STIGMA SHARDS CAUSE NONE WANTS THOSE ANYWAYS

    - What happened with Mastarius and Vielle? you guys apparently edited the HP values BUT BROKE THE WORLD EVENT!!!! like how do you mess that up! thats so crucial to you servers health so people can enjoy content, but still fail to deliver! 


  2. Greetings GM_NCA!

    • Free Siel’s Aura Benefits Extension!
    • Event Duration: May 9 – June 13

    As a show of gratitude for OUR SUPPORT are you refunding the ‘Siel's Aura ' THAT WE ALREADY RENEWED AND PAID MONEY FOR 3 MONTHS IN ADVANCED since the event period was extended for another 28 days (BASICALLY A WHOLE MONTH THAT WE PAID FOR NOTHING)? ESPECIALLY WHEN ONE OF THE FETAURES WE PAY FOR DOES NOT WORK (150% AP AQUISTION)?!?!

    If you choose to take our money then say you're giving what WE PAID IN ADVACNED for free, NOT GRAITUDE THATS DISRESPECTFUL!

    Thank you, 

    The Player Team

  3. 2 hours ago, Filpitimoulak said:

    This guy was spamming advertizement for a private server in /3 

    Hate if you want, I wasn't promoting private servers, but i was clear in saying that if a private sever can fix the errors the whole community is facing rn, then why are we supporting and giving money to NCsoft when it's clear that they don't have the capacity to listen to the issues of the community. Call me out for spamming adds for a private server, but i am calling out the mods and developers for not caring or tending to the community, which is BY FAR a much more serious offense which includes you too. 

  4. Current events sucks, it's all based around the deave pass, which sucks for the most part until you're about at the last 4-5 levels of it and that's only if you buy the upgraded version. This makes me want to quit more than making me want to spend money here. Bring back the good events like instance related events or something like that. if events are just based on how long someone is logged in for it makes it such a time waster to play, but if it was based on the quality of playtime I bet more people would be better inclined to spend more time in the game than just sitting and afk crafting for two or three coins.  Any other ideas on this?


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