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Posts posted by Chronobrrj-DN

  1. 37 minutes ago, Kopper said:

    I don't really like the idea of "simplified" quests. It's a slippery slope that eventually leads to the garbage that is the retail game - remove all content or challenge and ez mode the whole game just to rush people to endgame when the p2w kicks in and where they have to open up their wallet to be competitive at all. The creep is already happening in Classic - exp bonuses and the increasingly OP gear earned through questing. I figure we're about a year away from getting a chest full of level 50 gear when you hit level 10; remember that? And then the next step is "why even bother with this low level content, we'll just take out all the maps and zones." That's why retail is rubbish. Are you going to just repeat the same mistakes in Classic?

    What OP gear from questing?  I didnt see free OP gear yet.

  2. 42 minutes ago, Ficher said:

    Cara é incrível como a galera não se importa com isso, eles não tem noção que quantos jogadores vão perder só por n dar a opção do player farmar de forma "gratuita" a Siel's Aura. Isso deveria  ser revisto por eles, por que em países onde o Dolar é muito caro, (como o Brasil por exemplo) torna-se muito viável comprar por Quna. 


  3. Please, let us use our Quna to buy Siel's Aura.   In some countries it´s easier to buy Quna because there´s option of using Bank Slip instead of Credit Card. Some people dont have access to Credit Card.  Thanks.

  4. 6 hours ago, Angelica said:

    Just going to say it’s almost impossible to play on nezekan. There are no manastones or drops it’s like impossible to make money, takes forever to kill things. I honestly don’t know how people are 55.  You can buy kinah from quna but it’s like 4 times the price of siel. 200q for 1m = $5.00 per mil, a little ridiculous. Idk why I’m even writing this I know you won’t read it.

    True.  It´s hard to make kinah.   And the daily spending of kinah on Power Shards + Scrolls(when you find) + potions + expensive skills from NPC is being kind of an obstacle on wealth building.   Also, it´s horrible that most items/gears that we get are Untradeable and cant be put on Broker.  This is a huge obstacle on kinah building.

  5. 28 minutes ago, Zurl said:

    Crafting on NZ will be seriously hampered but the lack of high level recipe drops. eg. Recover potions and serums, Aether jellies, basically most blue designs for stuff people need every day.

    Yup.  We need easier access to the common used Designs that we used to use everyday. HP, MP potions, Atk Speed/Cast Speed Scrolls and the many  types of High-Lv foods.

  6. 1 hour ago, Kirrah said:

    Thank you Wissp...but the NA Aion player base has been treated like an abused dog...As much as you would like them to be patient and understanding, these are all just hot words until you and the NA team can be trusted again, dont expect much from the current player base. Once we start seeing action being taken, then we can really get a good dialog going and fix Aion NA for the better.

    Exactly.  I played from 2012 to 2020... left the game because the company was mistreating the players too much on the last years.

  7. 1 hour ago, Shirene-DN said:

    So you turned manastones into a p2w item and still fail, these boxes are not worth 790 quna, you'd need to give 100 times that amount of stones.


    Yea... the 790 Quna gonna give around 20 Lv 60 Manastones...   20 dollars is too much for ONLY 20 manastones.  Surely would need to be at least 100 stones.

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