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Everything posted by Fergi-KT

  1. I am extremely serious and upset over the situation. I have been a long time player since the beginning of this game in fact, since closed beta in 2009. Banning the accounts that have nothing to do with the real people that do crazy things in this game is unacceptable. Banning main accounts that invest money time and effort over the years it’s not correct to send an email and say OK we are bringing you just because we think you did something incorrectly. This is the reason that is causing mini good players to leave this game to not invest money not invest any more money in buying coins and buying things from NC soft. In all my years playing this game I have invested over $20,000 in this game real American US dollars and they have the audacity to say that just because we think you are doing some thing incorrect we are going to ban you?? This is BS and many people that play this game correctly were banned in unacceptable. Who they really need to ban are the people that truly hack and do a lot of BS in the game not the players that pay for your paychecks and your commissions or whatever payment you receive has a company. My account did not get banned, but I am speaking for those who cannot speak, and I am standing up for those who can’t. This is why myself I do not invest in this game anymore. This is why I don’t put a penny anymore because it seems like whenever they feel like banning actual players in actual people that play this game and try to enjoy it get banned for stupidity. This is unacceptable and they need to give the account back to the main people main players that invest the time the money, the effort to play this game if not people to unite instead up for yourselves because the company that does that to the very few players that still love this game and want to be here and get banned is not correct.
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