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Posts posted by Sheyrena-DN

  1. Humor me for a moment if you will...

    It seems that (if a person were so inclined to indulge in "conspiracy theories") the following things have occurred.

    #1 - NC placed a stranglehold on our in-game Luna accrual methods.
    And by stranglehold, I mean made it almost unobtainable by any reasonable in-game means.

    #2 - A short time later, NC gave us an event that stuffed our inventory bags full of armor skins that any sensible person will want to put in the wardrobe either because they spent a ridiculous amount of kinah on the piece (guilty as charged) or because no one wants to waste an awesome skin for a one time use. (Don't get me started on limited re-skinability).

    Did someone in charge of important decisions really think to themselves 'lets make it really hard to get Luna and then give them an event that will force them to BUY Luna!!'?
    (evil cackle and hand rubbing here)

    For the record, I do know that companies need to make money. They have employees to pay, probably office space rent and utilities, taxes and they should probably show some kind of a profit. I'm an incomplete idiot, not a complete one. However, if this is in fact the case, it is a contemptible business practice and I'm not inclined to spend money with a company that operates in this manner.
    Yes, I'll continue to play the free way and save my dimes (pennies are SO 1990's).


    I'm bringing this up because I don't want NC to think we've forgotten about the abominable Luna situation.
    What are your thoughts, o' community of my fellow gaming peers?

  2. I've a friend who just got her FIRST Ultimate Transform LAST NIGHT.
    Now, it didn't take her 5 years to do this as she did take some time away from game, however...

    Kick down, NC. As Lad said, its been 5 years. It shouldn't be this hard to earn the older ultimates.


  3. 276 Bundles

    276 <[Event] Strong Experience Extractor>

    22 <[Event] Grade A Minium Bundle>

    24 <[Event] Lodas' Large Silver Star Bundle>

    235 <Ancient Memory Shard>

    13 <[Event] Fissure of Oblivion Transformation Contract Box>

    66 <Legendary Memory Shard>

    12 <[Event] Ultimate PvE Enchantment Stone (7 days)>

    34 <[Event] Berdin's Giant Lucky Star Bundle>

    11 <[Event] Daevanion Skill Selection Box (10 types)>

    6 <[Event] Ultimate Extreme Enchantment Stone>

    5 <Daevanion Essence>

    23 <Ultimate Memory Shard>

    17 <[Event] Stigma Enchantment Stone>

    5 <Oath Tablet>

    22 <[Event] Minium Vault Bonus Entry Ticket>

    1 <[Event] Extreme Equipment Selection Box>

    3 <Level 83 Ultimate Equipment Wrapping>

    3 <Socket Reset Stone>


    Thank you for all your efforts, Secret Cow.


  4. Thank you all for your replies. That makes sense.

    It seems to me that oftentimes, there's not enough explanation in the game in regard to some game features and I'm left swinging in the wind thinking to myself, 'Uhh...okay, now what??'.

    This is probably where my odella problem comes from.   LOL  --> Alyta.

    Good luck out there, y'all. We need it.


  5. Where are they?

    Here's the long version - the server reset yesterday (Wednesday). I got into a couple of lovely groups touring Apsaranta and completed all of the Dispatch Quest tabs for the various Apsaranta legions. But nowhere in my inventory are there (2) Holy Waters from Lifekeeper & Breath of Life. Nor are there any Io Gel (2) from Lifekeeper. I do recall getting an equipment  box and an Ultimate shard, but I don't recall if it was from Nightshade and Ancient Civilization (probably? Where else would it have come from?).


    Anyway, the point is - am I smoking shugo grass, or did I not get some of the items from the dispatch quest rewards list?


  6. Not just 'yes' but 'HELL YES!' for me.

    I've been thinking for awhile that they could add a sub-tab under the Gold Sand Traders Costume tab and label it 'armor skins' or something equally obvious.
    We could then just buy the look for kinah.

    I'd like another Inanna's Stellin Uniform (which I foolishly skinned onto something).
    Also the Sauren gear. Tasty.



  7. Technically, we can still earn the crystals to craft the Luna ingame.

    By doing The Secret Munitions Factory on Maedrunerk's Island under the Taki's Missions in the Luna Shop interface.

    You know. The one free entry per week instance.

    This is really disheartening, frankly. I don't use Luna for too much beyond the occasion rez in Apsaranta and putting items into the wardrobe which is a (now) unpleasant 300 Luna a pop. But, I (we) used to be able to get Luna crystals everyday and saving up was relatively painless and I have too many outfits that still need to be 'wardrobed'.

    (Still more sitting in my warehouse that can't be put into the wardrobe but i can't bear to lose the skins...let's not talk about that here....)

    Almost as disheartening is that the community can't seem to have a reasonable conversation without resorting to name calling and insults. Yeah, I know. I've been here long enough to have seen it all before. Just wish folks didn't have to pick on others for their preferred gaming habits.



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