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Posts posted by Gummibear

  1. Respectfully... what the nyerk ? Please keep the event at it's original end date. Do I stay logged in the game to obtain snowballs 24/7 ? No. But do other players who have way more patience than I do who really want to enjoy the game without paying 1/5th of their check ? Yes and they should be able to continue doing so in accordance with the initial end date of the snow ball event. It's not professional or nice in general to ninja edit events like this. Let's also take into consideration that what may seem like pocket change in one countries economy may be the contrary in another. Let's try to maintain some morals.

  2. 21 hours ago, Yetah said:

    Also @Beast-KT standing up for the f2p guys is really amazing, coming from one of the biggest whales in the game. Here is a thought, if you don't want the game to turn massively p2w, you and your posse stop buying into it, instead of amplifying the problem, and then complaining that there are no more fish in the sea to make you feel good about all the money you spent when it dies.


  3. ^This. To piggyback on Beast's post; It really does put F2P players at a huge disadvantage. What also has to be taken into consideration is that this game is played across different countries. The BCM currency has a USD platform; however, the USD to X conversion impacts players in say, Brazil, way more than it impacts those playing in the US.

    Having multiple accounts to participate in in-game events to catch up to PW2 players is what a vast majority of the population has to do. If they are being punished for doing this then well... there is no true way for F2P players to truly enjoy the game. Which is extremely unfortunate because it really does have potential !

  4. This seems really messy. I started playing around ~2009  (with subscription) and people still had multiple alt accounts. I don't recall anyone being banned due to this reason. Whether this is a system generated mass wave ban or not; we will not know.

    What we do know is that it is unfair to see people's alt accounts be banned IF they have been used in  accordance with the ToS. I'm sure we all know where i'm going with this *cough* Vanilla. Now if they were used via the latter, then the ban is deemed appropriate.

    The best option is to simply dispute with NCsupport and have them investigate the issue that may be unique to each account. Have them verify IP address, and what not.

    Now can we please stop with the constant spamming in-game for this issue...

  5. On 7/15/2022 at 2:41 PM, EMPulse said:

    Greetings Everyone,

    The below list will be updated with any Known Issues as we identify them or they are brought to our attention.

    If you happen to see any other issues, please do not hesitate to post a Bug Report on the forums or contact us at support.aiononline.com.

    Thanks so much!

    We are aware of and currently looking into/investigating the following:

    1.  Abyssal splinter not giving shards

    2.  Prestige Pass not awarding daily coins for being online and also not giving the prestige case it always delivers daily.

    3. Auto Hunt disabled in several  xserver zones.


    Hidden mobs aren't spawning and the failure/success rates for gemstones/runestones feels off. The HP of the Inggison/Gelkmaros gates are higher than usual.

  6. 5 hours ago, Solova said:

    Has anyone combined their 6 ultimate breath and 500 ultimate shards since 8.3 patch? On the patch note it says that upon combining 6 ultimate breath and 500 shards, we will be getting Empyrean Lord's Ultimate Transformation Box , instead of the contract.

    In 8.3, the box itself will be able to re-roll with a BCM item that's up for sale in future, up to three times.

    I'm not seeking for generic answers from other regions. I'm actually asking has anyone done it on our server? Is the chest we get upon combining 6 ultimate breath and 500 shards the version that we will be able to re-roll up to three times? Can anyone confirm ? 



    Yeah it can be rerolled. I combined mine yesterday and it showed the ability to be rerolled up to 3 times with a BCM key. I forgot to SS and got Nezekan. I had Zikel so I did not bother rerolling.

  7. To piggyback on the AMD ReLive for users who have the updated AMD Adrenalin UI. Thanks to Aria's help I was able to find a solution to enable ReLive. Essentially you'll have to change the UI to turn ReLive on. All your current settings are preserved. Here is the YouTube video guide I used.



  8. Agreed. I started playing back in 2009, took a break in 2014, and just started playing last year. Alot has changed and one of the biggest factors that sets players apart is the collection system. 

    You've shown efforts to make basic stat cubics obtainable more easily (thank you); however, crit damage and crit defense have a huge impact but are nearly impossible to obtain. I'm not saying we should be handed free multiple legendary apostles but adding an event (even BCM at a reasonable price) would be immensely appreciated by the community. Let's be honest...when the BCM deals are actually good (like the black Friday gemstone/runestones deals) even the "F2P" will spend some money on the DL. 😃

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