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  1. People are too stupid to realize that they will never fix drops, because right now it takes work to fix, and later on it's impossible. The game is developed in KR going forward, and they aren't even designing the new areas to have actual good drops. When they copy the KR patch and paste it over here they would have to modify it to have old drop tables every week. When 2.8 hits and endgame is moved to Apheta Beluslan all the crying in the world won't get you drops because there is nothing to fix, the mobs and loot tables weren't designed to have loot like old aion, it's all new content and dungeons that are designed around not grinding open world. I'm not defending the p2w idea of milking every dollar out of you for a few manastones or enchant stones, but NCSoft is the same as it's always been and they don't give a flying nyerk about you, they just want easy money from people. NA is not their primary market and it never was.
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