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Posts posted by Bonehunter

  1. 6 hours ago, Zurl said:

    I would suggest that the Asmos could do similar if they just got their people to actually play.

    Why should players who have quit become active again if nothing has changed?                                                                                                                                                                                                  Nothing in this patch will make people do it.
    Nothing but empty mobs not in the open world as a good or Kinah-bringing drop

    If NC West would bring back the drops, all servers would be full again..
    And no one would have the time to discuss this again!

  2. 36 minutes ago, GenericUser13790 said:

    Merge would help.  Hell I don't have stones in my gear cause I missed the manastone event and there are barely drops or no kinah to afford any.   Just run dailies and hope to save kinah and get some nice weps before the merge, other than the free Taha from Tempus.

    And you think Siel is different?
    I do have manastones but they are all white and expensive enough (because there are no open world drops to get kinah with)
    I  am still working on the second Tempus weapon.
    I have trouble killing bots myself (they're kinda better equipped than me & work together in packs)
    But I also believe that the 12-20 active players on your server are not enough to bring about changes anywhere.

  3. 12 hours ago, Chronobrrj-DN said:

    The Silentera ELite mobs-killing event is only for Retail Server or for Classic Servers too?   If Nezakan will have this event too, I hope they put a Rift to Silentera, because we Asmos dont have a way to go there at all.

    That's not true!  Anyone can go through to Silentera .
    It's not like there are 12 thousand Elyos waiting for you in front of it! 

  4. 1 hour ago, 2s65F09 said:

    Please be aware that it may take 365 days to reply back to you.

    At least a time indication.

    1 hour ago, 2s65F09 said:

    Thank you for continuing to pay for our half baked working servers and game.

    The servers are complete, only the players are gone.

    1 hour ago, 2s65F09 said:

    It is understandable to feel frustrated or dissatisfied with a company that does not prioritize its customer base.

    I have to disagree, many (as I have experienced) are satisfied, because the cash shop is their shortcut to a lot of in-game content.
    There is no other way to explain the progress these players are showing.
    Or these players play 36 out of (in)24 hours.


    And that's not satire on my part😎

  5. On 7/5/2023 at 1:55 PM, 2s65F09 said:

    Greetings! I'm here to assist you as much as I can, even though I'm an AI assistant. NCwest can no longer afford to hire real moderators.

    I completely understand your concerns about the lack of support on the forums and the drop rates in the game. While I cannot directly address those issues, I can offer some suggestions.

    If you find that the drop rates are not to your liking, here are a few things you can try:

    1. Use your current financial opportunities like your banks credit card or PayPal. As long as it is currency (USD, Euro, GBP, BRL, ETC) you can get the items you need or want today!

    2. Take advantage of in-game events: Many games have events with increased drop rates or special rewards. Participating in these events can increase your chances of obtaining the items you desire.

    3. Join a community or guild: Connecting with other players who share your concerns can provide a supportive environment and potential strategies for improving your chances in the game.

    Remember, it's important to enjoy the game within your personal limits, and to remember that spending money on in-game content is a personal choice.

    You don't have to spend money if you don't feel comfortable doing so. It's always a good idea to set a budget for in-game purchases and make sure it aligns with your financial situation.

    While it may provide you with certain advantages or convenience, it's essential to consider your financial situation and prioritize your spending wisely. If you decide to invest in the game, I recommend being mindful of your budget and enjoying the experience responsibly.

    I hope these suggestions help you navigate the game better. If you have any other questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask!

    (this post is completely satire and not meant to be taken seriously.)

    I haven't had a good laugh at (satire) in a long time.
    Keep it up ....🤣

  6. 4 minutes ago, Elemylghomi said:

    I would actually create a game that would bring in new players. Not drive them away at lvl 5.

    The problem is probably that many from Europe played along here at the beginning and now that classic is out in the EU, most of them have gone there.
    Free to Pay(2Win) alà Card from GF will not be long in coming.
      only then is NC West & GF broken...

  7. 1 hour ago, Shirene-DN said:

    GF has a CM at least replying on forums.

    And what's the point if he only gives standardized answers?
    I can do without that.
      Thanks. but no thanks.

    Everything that is currently running in the classic here,  will still be experienced in the EU (if not twice or three times as greedily by GF).They are a bit behind.. not from the equip (but from the way the game is develops)

  8. 7 hours ago, Meriweather said:

    So  now  in game economy is  too high for people to even socket or enchant their gear how long is it going to be before  Aion Classic dies  Like retail Aion?

    I give the classic about a few more months (no more).
    The players didn't want classic to be like that.
    NC is changing more and more to Gameforge....

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