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Posts posted by Cookie

  1. 26 minutes ago, Edict said:

    For this, like many things, I'll support what NCsoft thinks is best for the game. There is currently one dredgion entry per day and this is intended, therefore I support it.

    It's what was best for the Korean Classic community, therefore it may not be what is best for our NA community. Just like how we got droprate nerfs, buffed Dredgion Commanders, and many other patch items in the past that were done to suit the KR community that later had to be reverted for our community.

  2. I crafted armor for my alts just for the experience of it, and it was honestly kind of unrewarding. The only nice thing was getting to see the skins that people might not know about because they're tucked away in crafting. Coin gear would have been just as effective and likely cheaper as well, unfortunately. As Conman mentioned, the only gear you can craft that's considered worth it are the endgame items. But those require you to sink a lot of time and money into a crafting profession, as well as in mats you will have to buy because there's no way to farm them alone. 

  3. 4 hours ago, Ontwo said:

    Dredge once a day with AP boost to comp for all three would be nice but it would provide a disadvantage to the QE's and undergeared vs heavily geared comp'd teams right.

    Also I know it's NA time zone but once per day is going to severely disadvantage those unable to do it in the specified timezone. Sucks, but with the EU classic release coming it's just going to go downhill from here population wise.

    Right now I'm hoping the windows are the same. It opened as per usual at 2pm EST, so I'm not entering in hopes it will open again at 8pm EST. I may even skip that one if it does just to confirm a 2am EST window. 

  4. 16 minutes ago, Conman said:

    The timezone will be a pain for me. I'll probably miss most Dredgions and Sieges, but idgaf. NCwest had it's chance. They could have done all of those changes that they are finally pushing 6+ months ago (and my best guess is that they have inside info on EU classic being released soon), or even BEFORE launching the game, but chose not to.

    I'm betting that EU classic will be all of the same stuff, same problems all over again most likely (let's not fool ourselves here, its GF afterall), but as I said, it's a fresh start at least.

    It should actually be preferable for me since the sieges and whatnot should be during my free time. But honestly, the EU community tends to be a bit hardier when it comes to Aion. They won't fuss nearly as much about a sub because they have been paying one the entire time for Aion. Even when the game went "Free-to-play" you still needed a sub (goldpack) to do just about anything. So they will be much more amicable to the idea of having to pay a sub for classic. At least, that's my experience and thoughts on the matter. 

  5. Unfortunately RMT would still find a way to happen even on a fresh start server. No game is completely rid of it. Even on the live version of Aion where trading kinah is disabled they still find ways via broker to sell their kinah... It's just a sad fact of gaming, and MMOs especially, RMT will always exist. 

    Not to mention that at this point with EU Classic officially announced, if people want some sort of "fresh start" they'll likely head over there or to some pserver.

  6. It would definitely make it easier for people to get their stuff done. I always miss at least one dredge a day as it's at 2am for me. Being able to go back to back until out of entries would be much better for people who have trouble fitting things into their schedule. While I hope we can see some kind of feedback about this, I won't get my hopes up. 

  7. 9 hours ago, Carensell said:

    Indeed, I desperately need mats to move tailoring up on one of my characters. At 1.24million per mat it will be a cold day in hell when I get there.

    Would increasing the drop rate of such mats really be a solution? Or is there other things that would make a better difference?

    Well, think about it this way~ There is a very high demand for the balic mats, but the supply is exceedingly low by comparison. That causes prices to be raised. If supply was abundant and there were enough mats getting posted frequently enough on broker, like more than any one crafter could need, then it wouldn't be a problem. People wouldn't have to have a "I'll pay more if you sell to me" fight over the mats because they would no longer be in short supply. Having an abundance of mats would mean that not just the players who can drop tons of kinah can buy them, because they could get their fill for their levels and move on.  In theory at least. Sometimes greed wins out and people will keep prices high because people will still buy them at insane prices. 

  8. A lot of the people who left the game during launch did so because of the candies on the shop. The reasons were usually either "Candies don't belong in Classic" or "Candies make it possible to buy kinah with $". So the general reception of more candies on the shop is going to be interesting. A lot of people who continued to play Aion after 6.0 probably would be adverse to candies that aren't transparent because we all remember how we pretty much had to stare at a cartoon candy character all damn day... So I'm quite curious to see what other members of the playerbase have to say on the possibility of more non-transparent candies in the shop. I will say however, that I do wish we could get something other than the dang polar bear on the free side of the pass lmao.

  9. It would be pretty neat to be able to convert down. O~O Especially since unless we do lower Abyss forts, Tiak, or the tokens, there doesn't seem to be any solid way to get them. Even Tiak is iffy at best, Slime might not even spawn and if you're on the losing side your chances of getting the kill for it are kind of ehhh. Do UA fort dungeons still drop them or do they drop Sapphires now? I haven't been lucky enough to get more than one or 2 groups for that since 2.0 started and I can't recall what medals (if any) they dropped. 

  10. It's most definitely a combination of things. A lot of the more well off playerbase who have billions of kinah at their disposal (through RMT or legit means) have no issues competing against one another for the mats, especially since they're so limited. This competing raises the prices even higher and keeps them elevated and inaccessible to players who are unable to make that kind of kinah. The initial limitation was caused by the nerfing aimed at crippling the bots on Korea, this nerf was not something NA should have ever been given. The nerfs made it extremely difficult for players to make any kinah through farming or grinding. They have since raised the rates significantly compared to how they were before, but it's still a far cry from the mats being as abundant as they need to be. You need literally hundreds, if not thousands, of certain mats just for 10~ levels of crafting when you get to the higher tiers. So unfortunately for us poorer folks, we'll likely have to do all the mat grinding ourselves and just slowly scratch and scrabble our way up the crafting levels... (Which the game truly wasn't designed for to be honest.)

  11. You can never really get away from the politics any more. People bring them up in every game. Even if we had an active CM in game issuing mutes, we'd still see it when it's posted, and people who really wanna bring that stuff up, will find a way. Be that logging alts, making other accounts, etc. My point is this exists within every community, it's been around long before Aion and it's never going to stop. Would it help to have someone muting? Sure, but the same effect can be achieved by simply doing as others mentioned and blocking the offending players. 

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