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Everything posted by Kaldor

  1. Hello everyone, So, it's been a while since I've been trying to get Enmity Swap Stigma. Its not available on Broker, also not for sale on NPCs and stuff. I decided to switch back to my 2nd character to attempt dropping it but no success at all, so started wondering: are Stigma Drops unavailable? Is this a real thing? What's the stigma drop rate? I've been even getting rare equipment from mobs but not Stigma at all. Without the drop of Stigmas and not being able to get it elsewhere, its frustrating I have bought Summon Cyclone Servant (unlocked with Enmity Swap) if I cant find the enabler Stigma to equip it. Felt like a waste of time getting Abyss Points to buy Cyclone Stuff if I can't use it after all. So, could the Staff give us a hand about what's on going with Stigma Stuff, please? I've also seen other people complaining about this kind of drops on /2. What's going on with these drops even with my Siel Aura subscription?
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