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Posts posted by Conman

  1. 1 hour ago, Aijumi said:

    The pets i saw on classic server, are seperated. One pet is able to loot, the other can buff you or save your items. When a autoloot pet collect your items theyre in your cube. 

    On retail, they where pets who was able to do many things (collect, warn, buff, save)

    That is incorrect. The Cat pet in the shop can use scrolls, foods and auto-loot, although it's not in it's description.

    Storage pets I believe some of them warn you about enemies too, but not 100% sure on that one.

  2. 2 hours ago, Suehy said:

    @EMpulseThank you for replying and keeping up with the posts. But will the DC issue ever be fixed? It is impossible to play even with windows 8 compatibility mode.


    I DCed 4 times in 5 minutes trying to do arenas. And randomly DC once an hour.

    Not disconecting here. It's likely a issue with you. Using VPN such as ExitLag? Maybe that's causing the issue. Another player said it stoped DCing after closing ExitLag.

    That said I still use ExitLag and only once the game froze loading into Arena since patch.

  3. 7 hours ago, Kyriin said:

    With prime gaming, this mounth, you can have some siel's aura and a growth pack but i only receave growth pack ... Normal ?

    The Aura is added automatically to your remaining time. You should have +3 days. You don't get an item to use and then that item adds the Aura time like the ones you get on surveys when you level up. Unless that is not the case...

  4. 2 hours ago, 2s65F09 said:

    As if Gameforge will be any better with Aion Classic? They ruined original Aion even worse when they started running their own servers. RIP Euro Aion Classic before it even started.

    Except Aion EU has many more players than Aion NA. NCsoft fked Aion, not Gameforge. Gameforge publishes, NC develops. Sure one can argue about cash shop... but NA had it too, and KR had it too. The game died everywere if you compare it to the 3.0~~ patch, even in KR.

    But I agree with you that EU Classic will end up the same as NA, most likely since, again, NC develops the game, not Gameforge. At least people will find a fresh start there.

  5. 1 hour ago, Kyriin said:

    In fact, it can be nice if they don't make the same mistakes as Aion. See what they do with it. I can't wait to see the sequel

    Not sure what game are you playing but Classic is full of P2W already.

    Beginner Pass, Event Pass every other month (or monthly sometimes), Default Pass, Returnee Pass, Bundles for Quna every other month, Candy, Pets...

    I'm not even going to add RMT to that list because that is completely out of control with people buying billions of kinah (yes, billions) since RMT kinah is very cheap now...

  6. I don't think that anyone can say anything regarding that and be sure about it. As far as we know, it will go until 2.7 which is the client version.

    I'm hoping for a "new 3.0" if it gets to that (meaning a new patch and not the old 3.0).

    Unless some Korean can set some light on the matter...

  7. On 10/3/2022 at 9:48 AM, Xarthas said:

    Hey everyone,

    I was wondering, what's the character creation limit?? I had 4 characters but couldn't create another alt/character. So I regrettably deleted one, but still, with only 3 characters I can't create a new one.... It keeps saying "You cannot create anymore characters".......

    You can ask for support to restore your character as it was at the moment you deleted it (if you striped it before deleting, it will have nothing when restored).

    I can create new characters just fine. I only have one character on my accounts, though.

    Sucks for you guys. Hope they fix the issue. =(

  8. 1 hour ago, Violet said:

    Are you guys going to fix this dc thing?
    It started with this new patch, when you guys put all pvp instances as instance server.
    I can't play the game anymore, I try to do 1-2 arenas and that's it.
    Support ticket doesn't have any clue about how to fix it.

    28 minutes ago, Violet said:

    Seems like the problem is related with ExitLag reducer, I tried another reducer and the dc buf stopped, in case someone is having same issue. I'll contact them.

    I use ExitLag and I have zero DC problems. The client crashed once when entering Arenas since maintenance, but that's about it.

  9. 21 hours ago, Braveheart said:

    As an EU player the latest update means that the most accessible dredge (2pm est) would largely be filled by alts/bots/afkers/etc. If at least the arena times are not reverted this will leave EU folks like me who wanted to remain in NA despite EU Classic only with one option to move there

    Why not move there, though? LOL.

  10. 23 hours ago, 5s237C24 said:

    of course times are longer. U can now do only 1 dred per day: so for each queue population is 1/3.

    Vote in the poll (is the first post now) to restore back dred (if u want it)

    Not talking about group formation on QE or pop. We are talking about going in and out, it's taking way longer on the loading screen.

    7 hours ago, Edict said:

    Loading or queuing?


    But I'm pretty sure that it has to do with the integrated server for Tiak and Dredgion. They implemented cross-server PVP instances, and it now takes longer because it has to change servers maybe? =/

  11. 5 hours ago, marikazan-KT said:

    I dont get why the nerfed to 1 entry per day day we used to have 3 entrys in retail pretty annoying move by nc and they also increase arena ticket costs too.

    Maybe they did it because of the 150% AP thing? You get 50% more AP on a win. Still, shoud be at very least 2 entries.

  12. 1 hour ago, Fumoffu-KT said:

    I think 1 dreg a day is fine. It's a way for normal players to catch up the no-lifers. No-one with a job has time for 3 dregs every day

    3x Dredgions that you can run back to back, not time gated as they were before. That's what we want. You can chose when to run the 3x entries on the available windows during that day. If you don't have time for 3x Dredgions, then you shouldn't be playing a MMO, sadly.

  13. Well, it's not exactly what we were asking. We asked for 3 daily entreis, not 1 lol.

    Every major patch there is new gear that demands massive amounts of AP, and every patch they remove some of our daily AP... No wonder the game is so dead even in KR aside from the new server they added with 2.5.

  14. 5 hours ago, Ontwo said:

    Yeah I mean I'm a caster class so getting silence proc'd non stop sucks but I can still run around and kite. 

    So there was an entire thread discussion on this already and yeah I agree the supply is bad, but what was ultimately brought to that entire thread was people agreeing that yeah he should at least be able to easily obtain his officer quest by group pvp or siege alone. His point that the godstones are for the rich only is not true because you can trade in radiant tokens and fortuneers tokens for them which he should have already been able to do.

    What I meant by godstone carry was it's not going to carry him. I agree a dual wield para proc is a little nutty right. 

    Even on my alt that's not geared at all or my friends alt that has DC gear we are getting the kills and quests in. His previous excuse was "Officers are too geared to kill." So yeah I have reached out and attempted to help him to his dreams of a godstone carry but he never replied so at this point it's just whining.

    Aion is pvp based and the gear difference can make it really difficult granted but lucky for him the new event has godstones in it so he can get one there.

    You can definitely do the officer's quest, but it's going to take a while. And since you need multiple weapons for most classes, you need more than one godstone also. It's not as simple as you make it be. Do you know how many Crusader boxes I have open? Around 13 so far and I do it on 3 characters. From those 13 I got 1 Silence and 1 Blind. Sounds like a lot, but it's a shiton of work and we shouldn't need to do that for a Godstone.

  15. Crafting armor was never really worth it from what I can remember, even at launch in 2009. Weapons, well mainly Master Carved weapons, are still worth crafting. Also potions, scrolls and foods. Not much else is worth it, and has never been to be honest. Not in Classic.

    As for the reason why people left it's not just a single reason, it's a combination of bad decisions and lack of action. Some of those actions that they are ONLY NOW starting to perform, mind you lol. But I'm afraid that it's too late now.

  16. 1 hour ago, Ontwo said:

    I had even DMd that guy about going with my alt to do dredge and the officer quest for his godstone that he cannot even complete himself. At this point he's just whining to literally get stuff handed to him.

    He is not wrong about his main point, though. Suply is bad.

    Also if you are returning now or starting, it will definitely take longer to complete those quests as everyone that was here for 5+ months is waaaaaaaay ahead of you and will most likely kill you very easily. Which is OK, but that is exactly my point: it is harder now than at the start. Not for the godstone quest only, but for everything, literally, due to the low population + nerfs.

    I felt bad for another Ranger the other day in arena. I'm nowere max geared (+10 tac bow with 30ne combine + silence gs from quest, 4/5 40e +10 full stones and lvl 30 pvp accs) but man I killed him so easily... =/ It wasn't even fun, I only did it because I need the insignias and AP.

    And I do believe godstones carry people too... not everyone, ofc, but definitely carry some.

  17. 2 hours ago, Cookie said:

    It should actually be preferable for me since the sieges and whatnot should be during my free time. But honestly, the EU community tends to be a bit hardier when it comes to Aion. They won't fuss nearly as much about a sub because they have been paying one the entire time for Aion. Even when the game went "Free-to-play" you still needed a sub (goldpack) to do just about anything. So they will be much more amicable to the idea of having to pay a sub for classic. At least, that's my experience and thoughts on the matter. 

    Oh I wasn't mentioning the sub. More like the P2W and the mistakes. xD

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