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Posts posted by Conman

  1. 27 minutes ago, Cookie said:

    Tbh I'll probably play there for a bit myself. I've got a lot of EU friends and I started Aion in the EU community anyways. XD

    The timezone will be a pain for me. I'll probably miss most Dredgions and Sieges, but idgaf. NCwest had it's chance. They could have done all of those changes that they are finally pushing 6+ months ago (and my best guess is that they have inside info on EU classic being released soon), or even BEFORE launching the game, but chose not to.

    I'm betting that EU classic will be all of the same stuff, same problems all over again most likely (let's not fool ourselves here, its GF afterall), but as I said, it's a fresh start at least.

  2. 8 hours ago, Cookie said:

    Not to mention that at this point with EU Classic officially announced, if people want some sort of "fresh start" they'll likely head over there or to some pserver.

    Absolutely yes. Easiest decision ever to move to EU classic. It will end up the same, but at least it's a fresh start for a while...

  3. 2 minutes ago, Ontwo said:

    It's not as bad with a higher population but considering you see the exact same people day in and day out it's pretty garbage. I remember I got the same people in dredge for like two weeks straight and those poor guys could not catch a break.

    Exactly... that has happened to me in the past. Same geared groups daily... such a chore.

  4. Welcome to Aion's lack of a matchmaking system. No gear score, no ranking for Dredgion/Tiak = no matchmaking. It's all random. If both teams are formed from both sides, the system then pops the instance entry. Simple as that, retarded as that. In a game in which gear plays such a gigantic role, this is beyond retarded and punishes new players quite a lot.

  5. 17 minutes ago, Edict said:

    I'm not sure if anyone else posted on this, but can we get three entries for dredgion that reset daily rather than every entry period? Some of us have commitments and can't enter every entry period. The change would be appreciated.

    That has been a thing in retail for quite a while now. But sadly KR classic still doesnt have that! I wonder if they would modify that for us. They would have to implement the same system from retail here. That would be awesome! Not only for dredgion but for all instances. X number of entries per week instead of resetting everyday.

  6. 22 hours ago, SumonaLisa said:

    They already failed in classic in launch day. You think they learned anything?

    This is what 99% of the players have already done, if this is your wish then you wish the game to die.

    That's not what I wish. And what I may or may not wish should have no power into his decision, lol. My point still stands.

  7. 2 hours ago, marikazan-KT said:

    You lost a huge chunk of player in the start because of candys and pay2win.

    How about a fresh Start server with no RMT and Pay2win passes and a game thats actually policed and see what version is more successful.

    Sure have a shop but skins and cosmetics only no advantage items and see what happens.

    This server is a joke just RMT and quna pass wallet warriors who cant pvp at all unless outgear the player and dodge other wallet warriors everytime to gain easymode wins.

    If not just shut it down Classic is a failed experiment same old story hackers,ap traders and cheaters everywhere dont even police your game is just a last ditch cash grab instead of making a successful classic version.

    And lastly to all those Supposedly top rank legions and players who think they good at Pvp most of you aint leigt and everyone knows it,that your carried by wallet swiping.

    I agree with you about a new server without those things, but they wont ever try to ban all bots to avoid RMT... and even if it's not bots, people will RMT regardless, in a smaller scale, but still.

    BUT on the other hand, if the current state of the game bothers you SO MUCH, why not just quit? I'm not trying to be mean, just reasonable.

  8. On 9/21/2022 at 6:24 PM, Jiren-Siel said:

    why exactly would the candies be a bad thing now? lets be real here, all these proposed candies vendor for nothing if they can even be sold to the vendor at all and anyone who wants kinah these days is gunna get it no matter the which candies are on the shop. now if it's a stat advantage argument, these candies give the same stats as the transparent ones that have been in the game for ages....., So what is wrong with having some different types of candies available for purchase that do the same thing as the existing ones already for sale in the shop???

    just wanna be a panda, penguin or something different sometimes you know :(

    If you read what I said I do state that even if they are not tradeable (and sellable by extent), I'd not want them in the game. Any candy, at all, and specially not ones being sold by Quna. They give people advantage, and mostly the ones paying more than a sub! Don't get me wrong as I do use candies. It increases my attack speed by 0.1 (not literally but it adds up with the other attack speed stuff) with the polearm and that is HUGE for glads (well, it is for me).

    I don't know. I'd like a "cleaner game" without all of those things that add up to P2W. But that's just me...

    3 hours ago, Stormwing said:

    I doubt many care about the RMT part of candies at this point. You have to keep in mind that the kinah was a huge advantage at the start, yet is not so much anymore.

    The kinah still gives people a gigantic advantage. You can buy AP (by buying KKM loot from other players), buy pretty much any crafted weapon/amor, buy loot rights, enchant your gear, socket your gear, buy godstones...

    Now the candy kinah, yeah, that one is not all that relevant today, but it did start all of the problems...

  9. 20 hours ago, marikazan-KT said:

    There is far too many groups on both factions using Alts to Dodge equally geared premades and use Alts to get easy wins.

    B dredge should now be level 50-54 for Entry this will stop que dodgers and make pvp better for levelers and undergeared players.

    C dredge should be 55 only this will stop some of the que dodging into undergeared sub 55 teams.

    There is far too much Que exploitation in dredge arena and tiak do something its not a hard fix.

    That WOULD work for a populated server, not this one.

    2 hours ago, Cookie said:

    I like the idea, but I know that people who really wanna exploit the system, will find a way. They'll level up or buy an alt at 55 to continue doing as they have been, unfortunately.

    And yes, it's as simple as leveling them to 55, specially since it will be easier to level after 2.4.

  10. On 9/20/2022 at 2:52 AM, Jiren-Siel said:

    Hello, i am just wondering if there is a specific reason why we only have access to the transparent candies on the shop, if there isn't one would it be possible to have more variety added permanently? i know plenty of people who would purchase these candies myself included. Candy like the Penguins, Pandas, Fennec Fox, Sheep and Black Tiger(NOT THE WYVERNS). I think this would still leave a few different types of cooler candies for events still. Might it also be possible to add these better candies to the premium side of the daeva pass while leaving the wyverns on the free side. Just some thoughts from a player.


    20 hours ago, Belen said:

    We need more Candies for sure !!! C'mon Ncwest bring us the candies easy clap easy money easy win ty.

    Are you both not on your right state of mind? EVEN IF they are untradeable: NO! Not sure what are you thinking....

    2 hours ago, Cookie said:

    A lot of the people who left the game during launch did so because of the candies on the shop. The reasons were usually either "Candies don't belong in Classic" or "Candies make it possible to buy kinah with $". So the general reception of more candies on the shop is going to be interesting. A lot of people who continued to play Aion after 6.0 probably would be adverse to candies that aren't transparent because we all remember how we pretty much had to stare at a cartoon candy character all damn day... So I'm quite curious to see what other members of the playerbase have to say on the possibility of more non-transparent candies in the shop. I will say however, that I do wish we could get something other than the dang polar bear on the free side of the pass lmao.

    I'm with you 1000%. No candies at all. SPECIALLY NOT the ones NOT TRANSPARENT LOL.

    Probably trolling, though.

  11. 3 hours ago, Ontwo said:

    I know it's not directed to me but I never wanted to convey that it did resolve any issue, just saw one drop there. At least (on a good note) it should get more people to do divine and ED did unlock meno right there on the spot for everybody so whoever showed up, was in league and put in the effort got a shot at that godstone.

    They should just put the para in the radiant pack. Still yet this entire thread is garbo since you can get radiant packs from fortuneers and radiant tokens for free. The only good point out of this is the inaccessibility to the Para godstone which I even opened a thread on asking about seeing one in 2.0+ but I just posted here to let Locke know I finally saw one.

    Oh I know your intention was not to say it was fixed, that's me ranting at NC. xD

    2 hours ago, Cookie said:

    It would be nice if they would drop more often (if they even drop at all, I've never personally seen one drop in Classic) inside of dungeons.~ Granted we can indeed get them from the tokens and the quests, they should still be a bit more accessible than they currently are. That's just how I feel about it though. 

    It definitely would. But god forbid us from having good things over here.

  12. I have sent VIDEO proof of a player that today is Asmodian General botting on HIS OWN CHARACTER and nothing happened. They didn't even VIEW the video as I kept it for people that had the link only for 6 MONTHS and it had the same 1 view that was ME for the whole time. So if in 6 months they didn't had someone take the time to watch a blatantly player botting on his own account..................... what else do you expect? The guy even messaged me in discord asking me to remove it............... hahahaahah.

    It was a good laugh though.

  13. 1 hour ago, Cookie said:

    As to the "why" of it, no idea other than the greed of wanting you to have to buy the tradeable ones if you want to share/sell/etc. However, typically, anything that says [Event] is untradeable, just for future reference. 

    Oh yes, I realize that. But those are not "events". They are permanent additions to the shop...

  14. 33 minutes ago, The Secret Cow Level said:

    Fabled 30ne gear does not require medals, that is the starter set

    Even with 30e set, even if it's +10/+15, you will get deleted though... Let alone 30ne... But yes, 30e or 30ne are the only viable starter sets for new players, sadly. Unless you whale it out and honestly, not worth it lol.

    The bare minimum is 40e +10/+12 if you want to have a CHANCE (does not mean at all that you will win) at endgame pvp, a Tacs weapon +10 with a PVP combine, and well, 30 accs that you will slowly replace by 55 accs. Even with 40e you will be far behind nowadays, and as a NEW player that doesnt P2W that would take most likely more than 2 months for 40e, 30e pvp combine weapon, and 30 accs since that's around 1.5m AP.

    On top of that the Silver Medals on the Elyos side are at the same price as golds at 500k each minimum, going all the way up to 800k. That's around 75m kinah to buy all medals for a full 40e set. Cool stuff for new players to prepare!

  15. [Event] Turbulent Times Outfit


    [Event] Fierce Midnight Tiger Outfit
    [Event] Fierce Midnight Tiger Hairpin


    [Event] Tracksuit Uniform


    Purra Cat Weapon Selection Box (I know that the weapons are tradeable, but why not the box?)
    [Event] Bedazzled Skull Mask
    [Event] Fancy Skull Mask

    Make them all tradeable...

  16. 40 minutes ago, Carensell said:

    Ah, the old you have more so we charge more.

    That really throws a wrench into my busting a** to scratch up kinah. Wasting hours to not be able to afford anything, nice.

    That's not the only issue. Yes, RMT plays a role on this matter but NCsoft was the one that messed up big time imo when they messed with world drops to punish the bots. They ended up punishing real players more...

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