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Posts posted by Mundane

  1. It honestly amazes me that some of you are still surprised with NCW mismanagement. Once you realize that it's never going to change you will be able to enjoy what you have, or not enjoy it at all.

    They will not improve. It's been 15+ years... please, wake up! It is what it is. Give them money to enjoy the little that they provide or leave. Only you have the power to stop yourself from giving them money for something that you don't enjoy anymore, so do it!

    I know, we would love to see the game improve, BUT IT'S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. IT WON'T! STOP!

  2. 19 minutes ago, Disregard-DN said:

    Could you please clarify? Does this mean:

    A) We have identified that relic exchange is not benefiting from the 150% siel's aura bonus even though it is supposed to and will restore it at a later date.


    B) We have determined that relic exchange is not supposed to benefit from the 150% siel's aura bonus, and it was a mistake that it previously did benefit from that bonus.

    Based on the wording they didn't even know that relics gave 150%. Which is not surprising.

  3. 22 minutes ago, Primali said:


    • Issue with AP acquisition for Relic Exchange is not boosted with Siel's Aura
      • Based upon our investigation, AP acquisition from Relic Exchange does not get boosted with Siel's Aura. AP acquisition 150% bonus only applies to the AP gained through battle


    I'm not surprised that you guys don't know game mechanics that used to exist giving the lack of QA, but AP relics did reward 150% AP before the new patch. So, research better.

  4. 20 hours ago, Attestant said:

    I believe it's working as intended since it was changed to a shop functionality. Shops don't reward bonuses.

    Well, they better fix that for NA... not sure if Siel's Aura changed in KR too to give them 150% instead of 100% too. Point is they changed it for us and advertised, so we should get it.

  5. 1 hour ago, Dorito said:


    : http://na.aiononline.com/board/notices/view?articleID=186&page=


    Old posts from a retail rollback

    Greetings Daevas of Azphel,

    Earlier today we began to receive reports that a small number of players on the Azphel server had received over 30 trillion Kinah as part of a reward glitch. Since that time, we’ve brought down the Azphel server and have been working diligently to identify how to restore economic stability. We’ve made the decision to rollback the Azphel server data to 6:00am CST this morning and will continue to monitor all servers for related anomalies.

    It’s important to understand that we saw the rollback as a last option and made every effort to avoid doing so. We’re currently performing the rollback and anticipate the server will be back online at 10:00pm CST. At that point, all character progression on Azphel will be restored to its state as of this morning.

    As an apology for the downtime, we’ll be rewarding everyone on the Azphel server with five Lodas Amulets later this week. It’s our goal at NCsoft to provide the best possible service to our customers. Our apologies for the downtime and as always, thank you for your continued patience.

    -The Aion Community Team



    L + Ratio + You're wrong as nyerk. 

    I was playing on Azphel back then. It was crazy!

    One dredgion stoped way too close of the guards during siege and the guards destroyed one of the dredgion cannons. That's how the siege reward bugged iirc.

  6. 2 hours ago, Jake-DN said:

    Do you want to PvE, or PvP? 
    Do you want to play melee, or ranged? 

    Sorc and SM are the least gear dependent classes, however Sorc will probably be more fun to play. 

    Ranger is not as gear reliant as well, and is one of the most broken classes for PvP in the current patch (may change come 2.5, we will see). 

    Sorc, SM and Ranger are all 3 top tier PvP classes, arent gear reliant. Youll probably get a group quicker as a sorc out of the 3 for PvE.

    Chanter doesnt need gear for PvE, is very gear reliant for PvP, but is super fun to play. Everyone always wants a chanter to a group. 

    Thank you, Jake. This is very helpfull. I didn't know that Ranger was so broken. I knew they were strong.

    Honestly I've been watching some Chanter videos and it indeed seems fun AF and strong in PVP when you get at least 2 sets of gear (support/MR and offensive/atk crit). I'm pretty sure getting a group would be the fastest too.

    Sorcerer would be the ideal pick of the 3 I'd say, but I would miss the self healing and it's more often than not the first or second target in PVP lol. DPing groups might be fun tho hahahha.

    I don't mind melee or ranged and I've never played both classes! Sorcerer or Chanter... Wish we had some kind of training area to try some 55s and see what you like the most lol.

  7. 2 hours ago, Cyfur said:

    There is a new patch today version 2.5 so many things about objectives and groups may change today.

    I suggest start playing and observe the new trends which start to happen tomorrow.


    Honestly I don't think that the new patch will change how classes get gear. And even if it does change, certain classes will still be easier to get started. That is not something that concerns me as I want an overall perspective.


    2 hours ago, Shirene-DN said:

    Server is dead and 90% of the characters are bots, no point.

    As I said in my thread, I do not care. I have fun playing Aion from time to time. The thing is this time I have less time to play weekly and would rather focus on a class that requires less gear to start becoming fun and that it wouldn't be so hard to get into groups for content.

  8. So. I'm considering coming back to the game. I don't have much kinah and I'd like to be able to catch up relatively "fast".

    With that in mind I came up with the following criteria to chose a class:
    1. Easiest to find groups;
    2. Needs the least amount of gear to start having fun.

    Pretty simple, huh?

    All that considered I came up with 3 classes: Chanter (Support to start), Sorcerer and Ranger.

    This is my read of the classes overall (it might be completely wrong, and it's fine if you correct me): I don't really like casters all that much, but if Sorcerer makes it easier for me to find groups and get some gear going, then I can handle it. I also think that Chanter is very underated. I've seen some videos of good ones and boy oh boy! And Ranger has to be much more carefull than a Sorc due to the [more] limited defensive skills. But I find that all of those can be fun.

    Favourite class has always been Easyator, sorry, Gladiator, but it requires DC grind, multiple weapons for PVP and PVE, etc, to even start doing stuff. So that's a nono for me right now.

    Thoughts? (I don't really care for the state of the game, I figure it's bad because it was already bad 3~~ months ago).

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