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Everything posted by Arkaida-KT

  1. Thanks so much Roseae and Thanks So much NCSOFT for fixing this!!!
  2. Ok so here is huge problem... Yesterday i spent 100$ on your new flower event EMPulse Well once again NCSOFT has managed to lie to its customers once again... I bought 2 flower box's! 50$ e My goal was to get a +5 paragon wep and some blessed stones to enchant Well as you can see the Advertisement says that it comes with 3x "BLESSED PARAGON ENCHANTMENT STONE BUNDLE!!! I Opened them and got REGULAR enchant stones!...Well I made a ticket and this was the reply i got.... Senior GM Saika 4 hours ago Hello, Just an update. Upon further checking, we've determined that Blessed Paragon Enchantment Stone Bundle contains random items upon opening it. You will either receive a [BCM] Ultimate Paragon Enchantment Stone or Blessed Ultimate Paragon Enchantment Stone. We have tested this on our end and was able to receive a Blessed Ultimate Paragon Enchantment Stone from Blessed Paragon Enchantment Stone Bundle. I hope this clarifies your report. Should you have any other questions or requests, feel free to let us know. Regards, Senior GM Saika NCSOFT Support Team HERE WAS MY REPLY!!!! You can clarify all you want but this advertisement is EXTREMELY MISLEADING!!! I'm very upset to have received a reply like this... I believe your customers who pay for this item have all been misled and if they paid the money like i did, we all deserve some sort of compensation for the misleading advertisement! I'm going to post on forums and probably make a Youtube video about this! Frankly the entire Community is tired of being misled by your company! This kind of stuff needs to stop! I purposely and normally refuse to pay your company a dam dime because every time I pay your company I get ripped off like I did this time again! If it weren't for the +5 paragon weapon I would be asking for a refund! lastly just want to put it out there RED forms are a scamm....all your runestones only work for purple forms!!! I do almost the same dps with my purple form sometimes more becuase of runestones then when i use the red zikel potions i get from lugbug and weekly/daily missions!
  3. I would just like to put this out there its more food for thought...but anyway i have multiple legendary forms i use for multiple toons, i also have friends who are coming to this game who cannot get any purple let alone red forms! I remember back when the forms came out and i struggled to get a form for my gunner...These Ultimate Transformations change alot and have a hardcore effect on the community!!! Aion needs more players...I cant stress this enough I can also tell you that if you want Aion to survive at all...NcSoft needs to make money from the Game itself, now with that in mind the server population in mind think about the $1000 pretty much price...its pretty much $250 for an item that if you have full gear and you need a weapon or the red form you have a chance to get something others do not....... The question lies in wether its worth it to you or not!!!! NCSOFT see's an item that people say they want but they cant give to everyone or it will ruin the server therefore anyone who can pay the premium and has worked hard enough can get what they need.... Unfortunately This also means that there will be people who have worked hard who do not want to or have the premium to spend... I think its a normal P2W event but its Logical...Honostly my advice if you dont want to pay the premium work to get the extra shards and hope for the best on your box ;)!!!! OH TELL ALL YOUR FRIENDS PLAY AION!!!!
  4. Hi guys glad to see the thread here i have a ticket atm and have received 2 replies both saying i need to wait, I also have contacted EMPulse I took screenshots verifying that the loot shown at the end does not show the fragments as a reward...Hopefully we can get this fixed soon guys!
  5. Yes I have screenshots of multiple characters multiple days in a row now with NO fragments from abyssal splinter EMPulse Please help us I made a Ticket and NCSoft is pretty much telling me to wait for more information! On another note...I ran Emperor's Vault on my main and can only A rank it, My 1 Alt can A rank it as well, the rest of my alts can all only B rank it... I only got 1 box of 10 coins 1 time out of 2 times now on my main the rest are all crap drops for all my alts making it pointless to farm on alts! I will not be farming this on anything my 2 characters that can A rank it!
  6. EMPulse Abyssal Splinter is not giving Abyssal Fragments...we need these to buy the items from the Shugo's and without them Abyssal splinter is nothing but an exp farm! I have a screenshot and have 2 alts that did not receive fragments upon S rank completion! please help us get this Fixed EMPulse!
  7. I posted earlier in lfg about 8.3 being released, it was posted on the website before this thread was open...I'm glad to see a patch not completely ruin all of what NCSOFT has been working so hard to do... I'm not I'm fond of the direction they are taking towards the card collection for arena but I'm glad that it's being secluded to arena... the ability to use AP to buy things is going to be fantastic...I have to say over all I'm excited to see how this works out...
  8. Hey just did for thought... people keep saying aion is going to shut down... there's no real evidence to this other then low server population, either way Korean servers and EU servers are massive... personally I don't think Aion is going anywhere anytime soon and I think any real word about it from NCSOFT would be great but they seem to act like there is nothing wrong with the games population... just kind of how I feel... That's supposed to say "Hey just food for thought..."...sorry typo
  9. So EMPULSE... nice to meet you, you must be our new forum mod. Welcome to the Aion forums btw... hope to see some good for our community here in the future thanks for your service ahead of time....
  10. Wait you mean to tell me they actually fixed something?...
  11. Well RIN with you leaving my hopes for AION are diminishing more and more... you were the first person to actually show the community ncsoft cares... now we have to try to get used to someone who doesn't know anything about us... sad to see you go rin... thanks for everything the past year or so...
  12. Honostly...p2w or afk doesn't really matter...essentially the entire event is not logical at all... it's like they have ran out of ideas
  13. Correct again... look at how the community was during alliance farms at the coast!!!! It was growing My friend made a good point... you can't do things that require a community to do if you don't have the community to do it... Regardless... the last afk event was ok... and well this one is basically all twisted and just like angelos said no none asked for an afk event.... it's like ncsoft just doesn't care...
  14. I kinda want to make one last point...because originally I was going to come to the forum to say I thought the event was going to be good... then I realized after angelos's post what I really needed to say... anyway... the event actually isn't that bad.... server population is low and ncsoft can't just give everyone stuff for free... the fact that these high enchanted gemstones and runestones practically don't exist means that ncsoft needs to make sure the that this item doesn't ruin everything...therefore only a few of these items should be given out and to those who need them and or have full gear/ weps/ skill enchants...remember there are a few people in the server that are full and maxed out with little left to do... this allows there wealth to be spread for a new item they need... I'm gong to emphasize that I think it's great ncsoft is listening to the community... but sometimes the community thinks they want something and in reality it's not really what they want... I would gladly take over aion if I could;) Lastly any gambling event should not require real world money, in pokemon there where slot machine's when I played as a child... but never did I play with real money... I can't take my child to the casino it's illegal.... Neither can anyone else!!!!!
  15. Archangelos is 100% correct....apsaranta is not auto hunt friendly... this event is pointless if you don't have full gear and skill enchants.... the only people who will be able to participate is people who have yornforged, paragon or FS weapons.... also I'm going to make a point here... the gemstones are an insane item to give away right now.... it's almost like they are trying to purposely kill Aion.... Everyone needs to continue to post the way are posting.... oh lastly I want to make point here because angelos here has made a statement that these events are like gambling...I've made multiple complaints about this...there are children who play this game and children who are family members of mine who want to play with me...and well me and my family do not want our children playing a game where they need to gamble.... this needs to stop... please rin please tell ncsoft we do not want our children gambling it's illegal!!!
  16. Anyway we could get an event that gives Fighting Spirit weapons?.... glad to see so many people posting in forums but as you can see everyone hates the steel rake event..... it's pretty much the worst event in last 6 months... anyway I guess you have to have fillers now and then....... we need weapons either more fighting spirit or more paragon and we need enchant stones Paragon and more.... can we please bring back a way to get genesis crystals that would be cool.... or change the morph reqs from genesis crystals to something else please thanks rin
  17. RIN please post may 24th updates...hoping for paragon stone event...;)
  18. Rin I feel like this needs to be said...NCSOFT needs to take a good look at all the previous patches and the server population during those patches...literally NCSOFT could give back all of aion as a level based system and bring probably a million players....Aion players want more... we want aion at its fullest... leveling grinding pvp pve instances sieges... and most importantly we want flight... open abyss flight has nearly brought half the server to classic aion... what is NCSOFT doing they had a great game... the aion community wants AION... all of it... we are limited way to much... my friend doesn't want to play because his first character ever is gaining 10+ skills and levels at a time!!!!... I would like personally to see all of Veteran eltnen and pretty much the entire game back...I would be willing to take a full account reset for it!!!! So would many others.... help the NA AION servers please RIN... there's only 1 server...I would like to see this server full and more servers added... it's possible but NCSOFT must take the right steps...
  19. Wow disregard that post confused fissure with splinter lol... But yes we need 100% stigma stones back in splinter please!!!
  20. Rin before the 8.0 update ncsoft had talked about making abyssal splinter permanent... we still want this please push this forward to devs!!develop!!! May25 end would be horrible for any new players!!!
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