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Forced disconnect followed by Skill bar wipe when re-logging in.


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It does not matter what character I am playing. Occasionally, in the middle of game play I get a forced disconnect from the server. That part is not abnormal. But when I log back in all of my setting have been reset as if I had logged into the game for the first time. Pet cam is on. Profanity filter is enabled. Click to move is enabled. Title setting are reset. And my skill bar has nothing in it at all. Yes, I rotated through all of the skill bars. The additional 3 skill bars are also reset. I have asked in LFG several times and I am not the only one who has this happening. At first it was happening a few times a week, but then it was every day, then twice a day. Then, after the last update , it stopped for a week or so. But it's back.

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