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Any Ely Legion on DN recruiting?


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Hey all,

I’m looking for a legion for myself and a couple of friends. One of them and myself have been around since 3.8 but took a few months break recently, and just came back. The other is a newer player. 

Type of legion we’re looking for:

Smaller legion -  Not a fan of big legions where you get lost in the shuffle. Preferably a small close knit group of players to pve/pvp with.

- English Speaking and no drama 

I have a 68 temp and a 67 AT. My friend has +66 Cleric, SM and SW. 

Like I said, we’re longtime vets looking for people to play with. Mail/message me in game or hit me up on here if you’re recruiting. Thanks!



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Hey Vang,

We are just starting back Covenant of the Phoenix in the game of Aion.
Although we are a Multiple MMORPG guild with 15K members in different games across the board, we are small in Aion and would love to have you and your friends as a part of our Legion.

Here is the link to your website if you want to check us out. I have a couple of toons in the game so hit me up if you are interested. https://covenantofthephoenix.com/gc/14-aion/ 


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