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Luna entries shared in account


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What happen if NcSoft change the system of lunas(that afk instance), and let us make our runs with the same character where ur number of runs is equal to ur chars in the account that can do this instance.(Lv10+, 8-12)

Why? that was the same question when i back to play aion and saw that rare instance AFK!!, what kind of game have AFK instances?, is a joke, but if u can do this runs in ur main character u can just keep afk, checking, crafting, retunning the gear of ur main or keep chatting with ur mates.

Any person can say "you dont need to do that if u dont like", the problem is what u need lunas or pay for it, right now most people is angry for all that P2w system incoming but u need normal people to can fill the game.

Their p2w benefit doesnt work without the rest of the community.

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