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Mau for bug

Guest Ranger

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Guest Ranger

When I use mau form my char goes invisible? Any one seen this bug? He is invisible for the full duration of the buff. How can I fix it? 

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Guest Crush

Is everything else also invisible? It should be, because the server isn't live yet. I suspect when the server is online next week you should be able to see yourself in mau form and also the rest of the environment. Working as intended.

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Guest Ranger

Sorry this thread should have went in the retail bug forum. When I use mau my char goes invisible except I can see his bow that’s all. Everything else is visible 

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Guest Crush

Yeah I was just being a d*ck. Most likely you didn't have a skin download right. You could maybe try to repair it, I'm not sure how you attempt that nowadays. Google would probably help to do it.

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