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Download issues

Guest Skwerlee

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Guest Skwerlee

Anyone having problems downloading Aion?  When I download the game, the download gets stuck at either 21% or 36%, and doesn't budge.  Is it a bug, or is it someting I'm doing wrong?  Thanks!

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Guest Not a player yet...

Same here download fails @ waship_animations.pak.zip server cloudfront.net

Disabled firewall.. disabled antivirus no luck.. I will post if something works.

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Guest Not a player yet...

It is probably server related.. spend 1-2 hours to figure out.. No luck.

Delete problematic update files.. "warship_animations.pak.zip"

Used VPN for download.

I can send a support ticket but they will probably copy paste some pre-written text :P I will wait a few days and try again.

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Guest Not a player yet...

Update: Solved problem by deleting problematic file "warship_animations.pak.zip" from $Patch$ folder and restarting launcher.

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